Bonfire [Optimus]√

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Human!Optimus x Reader.


Everyone was at the bonfire, your entire school it almost seemed. You had several bonfires going in order to keep everyone warm enough; seeing as it was only 33 °F and dropping.
Everyone seemed to be drinking. But you didn't let any slip between your lips. You sat curled up on the grass until Optimus arrived. He got you up off the cold hard ground wrapped you in a blanket and put a pillow on the ground for you to sit on. You felt your cheeks flare up. Optimus was always so sweet towards you. That's what made you fall for him, his personality, the way it was so easy for him to be kind. You knew he didn't do it out of thought, but with heart. You found Optimus special in your own heart, but maybe he didn't like you the way you liked him. You felt arms wrap around you and pull you close to them. You looked up at those sparkling blue eyes where the reflection of the fire danced in his pupils. You were so entranced you didn't notice his perfect come towards yours. His warm lips were on yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck feeling free and as though you were the only two in the universe as the kiss felt like eternity. You knew where you wanted to be. That place was always in Optimus' arms.

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