Tfp Megatron x F!H!Reader (fluff)

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Started 1/30/2022 10:11pm
Ended 1/30/2022 11;55pm
Word count 338.

Aboard the Nemesis, Megatron was talking to his female human counterpart. Walking the halls, their voices echoed and bounced off the walls. Megatron loved talking to his human; (Y/n), she was so expressional with her hands when she talked about her favorite subject of Earth; (f/s), he didn't really understand what she was talking about, but that was okay.
They made their way down to the elevator to take them down to the mines.
You became quiet as you extended down into the mines below, your excitement bubbling up at finally being able to see the mines.
Your elevator finally came down into a giant cave which was the mines. Your breath caught in your throat as you saw the beautiful glowing crystals; Energon, the blood of all cybertronians. It was so entrancing to see these dazzling blue rocks, especially seeing the blue reflect off the Vechicons working around said crystals. Megatron chuckled at your reaction, it was an amazing thing for him to see your face light up with joy like a sparklings. You both stepped off the elevator, you racing over to the nearest crystals to look at it. You were soon interrupted by the Autobots attacking the mines. You both groaned at your day being ruined. You turned around to watch as the Autobots fought off Decepticons, killing a couple along the way. You frowned as they killed a couple of your favorite Vechicons. You watched as Optimus' optics widened in surprise at the sight of you. Megatron got in front of you, in a protective fighting stance, you could also tell by his body language he was pissed off you guys had been interrupted. You swiftly ran into a room that had been recently created on the left. You turned watching the door shut hiding the fight, the last thing you saw was a shot hitting the ceiling and the mines start collapsing with an explosion.

Part 2?

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