Sweet Kiss {Jazz}√

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Jazz x femme reader

Jazz always wanted to get to know you, the real you. Not the you, that everyone seemed to gossip about only when you did something amazing on the battlefield. The you that you never showed anyone. Jazz always watched you from a far, wondering about if it was okay to get to know you or not. You seemed distant, almost hermit like as the humans would describe it. He'd been watching and studying about you for months or maybe more. He was mesmerised by the way you moved and the way you talked. Your voice played with his spark strings. You were beauty to him. Pure beauty and only he saw that in you.

You were trapped in a mine, seeing as the exits had been blown up, allowing you no escape from the dark abyss surrounding you. You coughed out grinds of dirt. Your vents jittery as you shoved some loose rocks off your frame. You heard coughs coming from your left. You looked up to see a servo near your face plates.
"I'm on your side, little one." He said with confidence.
"Well aren't you going to take it?" He asked you softly after seconds of your hesitation. You slipped your service into his grasp as he pulled you up.
"Thank you." You smiled softly up at him. You took a step backwards that only led you into tripping into his chassis. One of his servos laid on your hip and the other your back strut to keep you stable. Your servos were curled up against his chassis. His optics were focused on your tiny servos on his chassis.
"Urm, can you let me go?" You looked away as you asked him.
"Oh sorry," He spoke softly, he seemed almost reluctant to let go of you, but as soon as he did, you realized he was possible the only thing that was keeping you warm. You shivered slightly, murmuring to yourself.
"I'm Jazz." He introduced himself. You stared at him for a couple clicks before your processor finally figured out what he had said.
"I'm (y/n)." You looked away hoping to spot any openings that might be your way out, but no luck. You vented and looked back at Jazz. Now that you thought about it, he does look familiar.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" You tilted your helm as you waited for an answer.
"You probably seen me around with Prowl, the police bot, goes by the rules." He smiled as you laughed at that.
"Prowl does always seem that way doesn't he?" You hummed to yourself.
"Yep, even back on Cybertron. I swear the pranks, bots played on him just to get arrested, he's way into his work, have you seen him glitch before?" Jazz laughed. You smiled wide.
"Yeah, I remember him doing it once on the battlefield and no one was sure about what was going on." You giggled to yourself. Jazz smiled at your giggle loving the sound of it floating throughout the cavern you were both stuck in. You looked at the ground before looking back up at Jazz who was closer to you than before. He swooped his helm down meeting his dermas with your. You melted into the warm kiss, his arms wrapped tight around you like a blanket, before you felt like you were drifting on a stream.

Everyone was in a rush, it was chaos around Jazz, he wasn't entirely sure what was going on another than the fact you had been severely hurt in the line of duty. He couldn't see you with all the medics rushing around you, blocking his view. Ratchet him it was for the best him that he didn't with critical state you were in. One medic shouted at another to grab tools to get extra energon. By the end of the rush it wasn't enough.
Jazz slowly came up to your breth side. The medics had gone there was nothing they could do. With tears streaming down his face plates, he kissed you and told you that he loved you before you slipped away in the night.

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