"All filming has halted due to the rising numbers of COVID-19." Jo read as she walked into their bathroom. Lizzie stood in front of the mirror drying her hair.
"So we are home?"
"We are home."
"This is getting scary."
"I know babe."
Lizzie walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom breathing heavily. Jo followed behind her wife quickly. Lizzie started saying out of breath "Jo...Jo...Jo...I-I I cant breath." Jo was Lizzies solid ground. Her safe place to fall apart.
Jo led Lizzie to the bed sitting her down on the edge. Jo kneeled in front of Lizzie putting her hands on her wifes face "Eyes on me. Eyes only on me. Breath baby. In...good... out...good...good...that's it baby."
Lizzie finally settled as Jo held her. Jo pulled her up and into her saying "Come on."
The two walked into the living room flipping on the TV to The Office a guilty pleasure for the two. Day one of Quarantine was done. Day ten rolled around Jo woke up before her wife sneaking down the stairs and into the kitchen. She went to the stovetop espresso maker preparing her and Lizzie's morning coffee. While that was preparing she felt two hands snake around her. "Good morning lover." Lizzie whispered in Jos ear
"Good morning to you too."
"Whatcha makin?" Lizzie asked sweetly
"Mmm do you want to help me make breakfast?"
"Sure! Savory pancakes?" Jo laughed
"Don't make fun of my pancakes you love them."
"That I do."
They worked together to pull out the ingredients. As Lizzie pulled out the flour. Jo looked over Lizzie's shoulder. Shed dipped her hand into the flour container before looking over at her wife mischievously before flicking flour at her. Lizzie stopped mid-whisk turning her head slowly to her wife's mouth open. She dipped her finger into the batter wiping it across Jo's nose. Jo was also shocked, throwing flour back on her wife. Batter smeared across her cheek. Before long the two were covered in flour and batter. They ended up in each other's arms giggling and mixing their batter and flour-covered selves. Once they pulled apart Lizzie asked "Shower?"
Jo nodded vigorously, lifting Lizzie up, Jo put her hands under Lizzie's butt to support her. After the two were rinsed off they went back downstairs working in perfect harmony to prepare proper pancakes. Mid-afternoon Lizzie was laying on the couch when Jo walked down in her black bikini (pictured at the bottom). Lizzie looked up gi\obstruck by her wife. Jo was a beautiful woman. Blonde hair, strikingly blue eyes. Her hair was long, not that anyone would know since she keeps it up in a high bun most of the day. Her wife's body was speckled with minuscule scars each one telling a story. Some stories were told of adventure while others told the grueling truth of her past. Jo was an athlete standing 5'8" her thighs showed countless muscles her arms were slim but strong. Her hands were large but proportional, her fingers were long and slender always painted a nude color. The large ring fit perfectly and always made Lizzie smile. Her jawbone was clean cut. Her abs glistened and flexed. Lizzie was pulled out of her trance by Jo slowly approaching her round glasses on top of her head. She and Lizzie had a love of sunglasses having countless pairs around their home. Jo leaned forward asking "Care to join me in the pool?"
Lizzie smiled dropping the silk flower robe to reveal Jo's favorite one piece. Jo went slack not before Lizzie lifted her up, running her out of the house before dumping her in the pool. Lizzie leaned back laughing hysterically as her wife's scowling face popped out of the water. Lizzie leaned down keeping her hand on the side of the pool while the rest of her body went into the pool. Jo started swimming laps while Lizzie lay on a floaty. Lizzie watched as her wife glided through the water. She got lost in thought and when she refocused she couldn't find Jo. Lizzie started frantically looking around for her wife. "Jo. Jo! Josephine!"

Oh, this is gonna be a gas!
FanfictionBOOK ONE Josephine is a photographer with Marvel studios. She has been working with them since the first Iron Man movie when she was just an intern at 18 years old. She is now one of the top photographers working closely with the cast. While working...