Monsters in the closet.

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A/N: First and foremost I do not condone smoking or vaping both are very bad! Vaping has high levels of heavy metal (Trust me I know a scientist at a university who tested this) Please don't smoke anything unless prescribed by a doctor or you have done diligent research and know exactly what you are getting!

Jo looked around frantically as she was in a meadow. Why was she in a meadow "Lizzie! Lizzie! LIZZIE!"

"Josephine, who is Lizzie?" Jo whipped her head around to her mother standing beside her.

"Mom?" Jo croaked out

"Look at you. You're all grown up."

"I am Mama."

"You are beautiful."

"Thank you, Mama."

"How is your wife?"

"You know about her?"

"Of course baby! I am so happy for you!"

Just then a man showed up in front of them; he was a large man compared to Jos mothers dainty form. He was tall with broad shoulders and mean eyes. He walked quickly to them. As he came closer Jo's mother jumped in front of her blocking her from the belt. Jo cried out as the belt lashed her mother. Jo watched helplessly finally he stopped and Jo's Mom turned to her tears in her eyes only now she was not like she was before she was sick and thin. She took hold of Jo's face in her hands she kissed Jo's forehead. "I have to go."

Jo cried "No stay."

"I have to go. I wish I could stay."

"Mommy stay."

"Baby I can't. Love that wife of yours and protect those babies better than I could protect you."

Just like that the woman standing in front of Jo melted into ash blowing into the window. Jo turned to see the man coming at her again "Daddy No!" Just as he was about to hit her Jo shot awake dripping wet. She looked around frantically. She felt cold hands on her face and she quickly jerked away. She heard something but her brain was not registering what was being said. She felt the hands again this time she shoved them off of her. Finally, she felt the bed sink and a pair of arms wrapped around her. She fought against her restraints, tears streaming down her face. She felt someone bring their face close to her and she began to hear through all the noise "Jo it's Lizzie. Jo, it's your wife. You are safe. You are at home. You are with me. It's okay. It's okay."

Jo finally relaxed into Lizzie's arms crying. "It was awful, Lizzie, it was so bad. Lizzie" Jo nearly choked on her tears. Lizzie rubbed Jos back. Lizzie knew her wife would talk when she was ready. "I was in a field and I saw Mama and then Daddy came and started hitting her but then she had to leave and he started hitting me."

Lizzie's blood was boiling. She wanted nothing more than to kill that man. "He will never touch you again."

Jo looked over at her wife sniffing "I know it just brings up some dark stuff."

Lizzie kissed Jo's head "Do you need to go for a run?"

Jo was a runner she had been her whole life. She ran from her daddy as a kid and her trauma as an adult. She never stayed in the same place for very long, always too afraid to get attached. Lizzie was her anchor. Lizzie was her everything. It took Lizzie a while to realize that Jo was always going to come back to her. Lizzie had held Jo through a number of different nightmares. After nightmares, this bad Jo would often run and Lizzie would wait in the kitchen with her phone open to find my friends so she could keep on where Jo went home. Tonight however was different. Jo cuddled further into Lizzie "Can we just lay here?"

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