Josephine is a photographer with Marvel studios. She has been working with them since the first Iron Man movie when she was just an intern at 18 years old. She is now one of the top photographers working closely with the cast. While working...
I know I don't post back to back but this one was really cute and kind of a filler. It may take me a little more time to do the next one so I wanted to give you guys this one.
Lizzie woke up looking around at the unfamiliar room. She looked down small smile on her face. Jo was behind her so Lizzies back was pressed against Jo's front. Jo had her arm thrown over Lizzie the palm of her hand pressed securely against her belly. Their baby's biggest protector she thought. She felt Jo nuzzle into the back "Good morning love."
"Good morning you two."
"How are feeling this morning?"
"I'm okay."
"Do you want me to get your pain meds?"
Jo pouted "Please."
Lizzie turned over so she could kiss the normal part of Jo's lip before rolling out of bed. She walked over to the dresser grabbing the pain meds and glass of water. It wasn't until she turned around did she see the way Jo was looking at her. Jo was lying in the bed on her side just watching Lizzies every move. Lizzie had never seen that look. Her eyes twinkled a different kind of blue. "What's that look for?" she asked gently
"Come on."
"Come here. Come sit with me."
Lizzie settled back onto the bed and the two snuggled well into the morning. Around eleven the two decided it was time to go downstairs. Jo slipped into running shorts and a sports bra while Lizzie wore one of her boho skirts and top. When they walked into the living room they saw Lily cooking "Well good morning my girls."
"Good Morning Mamaw."
"Good morning Lily."
She turned around gasping at Jo's appearance "Josephine Olsen! Where is the rest of your clothes?!"
Jo rolled her eyes "I get a busted arm and lip and you comment on my clothes."
"Your lovely wife informed me of everything last night."
"Everything?" Jo glanced over at Lizzie taking a sip of her juice. Lizzie shook her head no
"I already knew about the baby."
Jo and Lizzie both spewed the juice they were sipping "Excuse me." Lizzie said
"Oh, I'm not stupid. I had a suspicion the moment you came onto my property."
"H-how?" Jo stammered
She looked at Lizzie a gentle smile on her face "Because Lizzie my dear you are positively glowing."
"Thank you, Lily." Lizzie smiled while Lily wrapped her into a hug.
"How far along?"
"Around six weeks."
Lily smiled brightly hugging Lizzie again before hugging Jo whispering in her ear "I am so proud of you. He would have loved this."
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Later that day Jo and Blake went into the town to get the truck leaving Lizzie and Lily at the house. The two ladies were sitting in the large farmhouse living room on the two huge luxurious leather couches. Lizzie and Lily were watching HGTV when Lizzie looked over and asked her "How did you know for sure?"
Lily muted the TV. "Like I said I had an idea when you walked into my house."
"Yeah. But when did you know?"
"This morning. It was Jo."
"I told her not to tell you."
"Oh, honey don't worry. She didn't tell me a peep. You know her. Probably better than anyone. Her eyes give her away. Now I've seen that girl look at you but never have I seen her look at you the way she did today. She looked at you the way my late husband looked at me when I was carrying Jos Mom. Fiercely, madly in love and protective."
A smile painted Lizzies face as her hand lazily rested on her stomach "How is it?"
Lily sighed "This ain't Hollywood and I love you too much to lie to you but it sucks. There are parts of it that suck so bad but then there are things like when the baby kicks or when they get the hiccups that make all that pain and suffering oh so worth it." Lizzie looked down nervously "You are going to be great." Lily smiled
The sun was going down and Jo was out on the balcony looking over the rolling hills the string lights wrapped around the banister that kept the balcony illuminated. She was in jeans and a simple graphic tee. Leaned over the banister a scotch tumbler in hand. Lizzie was elbow deep in suds with Lily when Lily whispered "Go." Lizzie gave her a smile of thanks before she stepped out. Jo didn't hear her wife sneak through the glass door or walk towards her. It wasn't until she felt Lizzies lips against her neck did she know she was there
"You not supposed to be drinking," Lizzie said against her spine
"Neither are you." Jo turned Lizzie gave her an unimpressed look "I'm not drinking it, I just like the feel of the tumbler in my hand."
"Yes. He did this every night. He would come out here and sip on his whiskey with me and we would solve all the world problems."
Lizzie brushed her fingers along Jo's face "What problems are you solving tonight?"
"None that can't wait till tomorrow," Jo said leaning down to kiss Lizzie with the good part of her lips. When they pulled away they Jo said "Listen."
Lizzie turned her ear towards the speaker as "Forever and Ever, Amen" played through the old country station. Jo moved her hands onto Lizzies hips as Lizzie wrapped her arms around Jo's neck and the two just swayed. Jo whisper sung to her wife "I'm Oh, baby, I'm gonna love you forever, Forever and ever amen, As long as old men sit and talk about the weather, As long as old women sit and talk about old men, If you wonder how long I'll be faithful, I'll be happy to tell you again, I'm gonna love you forever and ever, Forever and ever, amen." She kissed Lizzies head "I promise I will always keep."
"Even when I'm pregnant and cranky?"
"Especially when you are gorgeous and hormonal."
"I'm going to become massive." Lizzie looked down
"Wrong word. You meant gorgeous." She paused drawing Lizzies eyes up "And I will remind you every day for the rest of our lives."
Lizzie leaned in. "You are too good for me."
Jo let out a chuckle "You got it twisted."
"I love you." Lizzie said sweetly
"I love you more."
"I love you most."
"I love you too baby Olsen."
Inside the house, Lily stood at the sink the dishes long forgotten as she watched her granddaughter and her wife. She looked up saying "She's okay my love. She's doing just fine."