"Hello. If you are new here, welcome to my podcast I am Jo Olsen. I am a photographer for Marvel. If you are not new, welcome back! Many of you are probably here to hear my wife's angelic voice. Wife?"
"Wow I mean listen to that. Anyway, we are here today to just have a chat and answer some questions you may have. This podcast is filmed in a car."
"A cool car."
"A very cool car. As always stay safe when you drive."
"You're a great driver."
"You just hate driving." Jo laughed
"Oh I do but I still think you're a good driver."
"Well thank you."
"Okay questions!"
"Ah yes! Questions!
"Oh here's a good one: Who asked who out and when?"
"Here's the thing Marvel is super twisted and complicated.We met briefly in 2013 while filming Captain America: The Winter Soldier. You see Age of Ultron came out in 2015 but we filmed in 2014. I asked her out midway into filming."
"April 9, 2014" Lizzie said proudly
"Yeah, baby!"
"We started dating in 2014, engaged in 2016, married in 2017."
"And they lived happily ever after," Jo said proudly
"That we do!"
"Give me a question!" Jo jumped in her seat
"What is it like when me Lizzie...I go on press? Well, she goes with me." Lizzie laughed
"Here's the thing when we do press for theses movies by we I mean she-"
"-hey you do press too."
"Well kind of but im behind the camera."
"But in a way that's the most important. You keep me grounded."
"Aww thanks babe!" Jo said chipper
"Your welcome baby!"
"It's a good time. We have a good time."
"It was hard when we were dating." Lizzie said truthfully
"Oh yes but we always stole looks."
"Oh yes constantly. I can't keep my eyes off of you."
"Never." Lizzie smiled "What does the cast think about our relationship? We have two children on set."
"That we do."
"They are gonna ask who. We can just tell them."
"Paul Bettany and Tom Holland," Jo said proudly
"Oh yes. The cast is super supportive they call us set Moms-"
"-Or set lovers."
"Dream team."
"Oh, I love that."
"Next question! OOO this is GOOD."
"Okay, I'm ready!"
"When did you know you were going to marry me?"
"The same day I knew I loved you."
"Which was?" Lizzie asked
"Do you remember when I had that massive panic attack?" Lizzie nodded "Baby they can hear a nod."
"Right!" Lizzie laughed "Yes."
Those of you who don't know my Grandfather was my best friend. Lizzie and I had just begun dating when he passed. I was a wreck. It was bad. I can sugar coat it but it was not pretty. Lizzie came in and just rescued me. She just... gah I'm gonna cry." Jo sniffled "I-I cant explain her to you- listen I have traveled the world. I have heard hundreds of different dialects and I just there is no word that describes a woman as incredible as Lizzie." Jo reached over with her right hand grabbing ahold of Lizzies left bringing it to her lips. Jo took a long deep breath saying "What about you? When did you know?"
Lizzie thought for a minute "I knew I loved you when... you probably won't remember this. It was a really small moment. We were sitting in your living room. You were sitting at the piano bench just strumming. I started talking about something and I mentioned you in the future but then I freaked out. You were so sweet. You said 'Hey it's okay. You know how I pick the tempo of each song. Well, you pick the tempo of this. We can go as fast or as slow as you want. You pick the speed.' That's when I knew.
A/N: Just an intro to see how you guys like it. Drop some podcast questions down below.
Oh, this is gonna be a gas!
FanfictionJosephine is a photographer with Marvel studios. She has been working with them since the first Iron Man movie when she was just an intern at 18 years old. She is now one of the top photographers working closely with the cast. While working on Age o...