Josephine is a photographer with Marvel studios. She has been working with them since the first Iron Man movie when she was just an intern at 18 years old. She is now one of the top photographers working closely with the cast. While working...
When the car came to a rolling stop the door opened and the couple was instantly met with the shouting and flashing of photographers. Jo stepped out first before reaching in, taking a hold of Lizzies hand helping her out. As they stood up walking down the red carpet Jo leaned over whispering "Don't freak out but all eyes are on you, babe."
Lizzie smirked, "Eyes are on us."
As they walked by E! Magazine the two hosts said "And it looks like Elizabeth and Josephine Olsen have arrived. Josephine just announced seemingly on the way over that Elizabeth is expecting not only their first but their second child."
"I just got a text from her stylist saying that both the dress and partial suit were hand-made by Lizzies sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen."
"I mean I can't get over how good this couple looks."
"Oh, I know! The minute they walked in the whole event silenced"
"Truly are a show stopper, those two."
As they walked along the red carpet Jo kept her eyes open expertly weaving her wife through the crowd. When they got to the beginning of the red carpet Jo gave Lizzies hand a squeeze sending her off. Lizzie walked along the red carpet, Jo went and stood directly behind one of her good friends who were taking photos along the red carpet,, "Get ready to click okay?"
"Sounds good boss," he nodded
Lizzie heard her wife say "Wow! You are gorgeous!"
Lizzie turned her head smiling back at where Jo was.
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"Lizzie! Over here!"
"Tell us about the babies!"
"Over here!"
Lizzie turned to her wife, nodding her head. Jo came up beside her wife. Jo kept her back turned towards her wife whispering "Это платье будет потрясающе смотреться на вешалке. С тобой под моей любовью ныть и кричать всю ночь" Making a sweet blush come over Lizzie. Jo turned around and the two took a few more pictures before going towards the building.
Once they were inside Kathryn made a b-line for Lizzie wrapping her in a hug "My my you are glowing! You two look incredible!"
"Thank you, Kathryn!" Lizzie said cheerfully
Someone over the speaker said "Take a seat, take a seat. The 73rd Emmy Awards are about to begin!"
They all took a seat and the program began. At the first commercial break, Paul ran around the table pulling Lizzie up wrapping her in a big hug "You look great Lizzie!"
"Thanks, Paul!"
"You too Jo!" He wrapped her in a hug
"Never thought a woman could wear a suit better than you aye?" Jo smirked