A/N: I know it's short. It's a transition chapter and sets up future chapters!
Jo plopped down on the couch beside Lizzie. Lizzie asked, "So what do you have me watching now?"
Jo laughed "Do you remember all those weeks ago when I would take phone calls at all hours of the night and would go on random trips into LA?"
"Yes?" Lizzie said slowly
"Well do you remember what my master's thesis was about?"
Lizzie shook her head no but said "yes."
Jo laughed "How body language and camera angles can affect the narrative of a picture."
"Right right!" Lizzie nodded
"Do you remember what the concentration was?" Lizzie furrowed her brow "I don't love you any less or think you are a bad wife if you don't remember the concentration of my master thesis I wrote gah seven years ago."
"No, well I know but I do remember. Was it Monica Lewinski?" she asked saying it like Emmenin.
Jo laughed "Well the Clinton scandal but yeah."
"And this has to do with our TV watching becauseee?"
"Becauseeee crazy, Ryan Murphy called me up a while back and asked if I would consult on a new season of American Crime Story he was doing about the Clinton scandal. He's an old friend id get to see some old friends from my short-lived AHS days so I said yes."
"So you have been doing that on top of dealing with Marvel, packing for Texas, dealing with your hormonal wife and a thousand things?"
Jo smiled brightly "Yup!"
"How do you do it?"
"You," Jo said simply
"How do I help?"
"How do you help? Elizabeth, you have got to be joking right? You are my safe place, my steady hand, my lighthouse, my home, the mother of my children but above all, you are the love of my life without you I don't know where I would be without you."
Lizzie smiled looking up, gesturing her hand across the room "You would be traveling the world, adventure to adventure."
Jo smiled grabbing Lizzies hand holding it in hers "But I wouldn't be near as happy as I am right now." Lizzie smiled up at her wife. Jo leaned down kissing her "How do you want to sit tonight?" Jo asked knowing the twins were starting to put a strain on her.
"Uhm lay down." Lizzie stood up as Jo laid down her head against a pillow on the arm. Lizzie laid down beside her letting her bump rest completely on Jo as she had nuzzled on Jo's chest thanking god they had such a deep couch. Jo smiled kissing the top of Lizzies head before letting her hand rest on Lizzies bare belly. Lizzie had grown accustomed to walking around their home in shorts and a bra her boobs were sensitive and the twins added unwanted heat in the hot summer. Jo never complained of course she loved seeing Lizzies ever-changing body. Jo drew lazy patterns as the show began. They both had a connection to Sarah and so they watched her with a great deal of pride. During the commercial, Jo whispered, "How are little B.L. and A.L."
Lizzie smiled, whispering sweetly "They are sleeping."
After the episode was done they paused the screen to the title slide before taking a selfie sure to not expose Lizzie in any way. Jo sent the selfie to Sarah saying
Exceptional Lady P! We hear another Emmy!🤍
Thank you my beloved Olsen ladies! Let's do lunch.💕
Head over to @kate17234 and check out their awesome story titled "This is home" I've only read the first chapter but I look forward to seeing where this story is headed!
I am a big fan of writers supporting writers here on Wattpad after all the MCU is one big happy fandom family. So let's do as family does and support one another! If your family doesn't support you well then this family does! My DMs are always open! Welcome to this family! I am so stupid happy you are here!
Oh, this is gonna be a gas!
FanfictionBOOK ONE Josephine is a photographer with Marvel studios. She has been working with them since the first Iron Man movie when she was just an intern at 18 years old. She is now one of the top photographers working closely with the cast. While working...