Hot Ones

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Jo and Lizzie stepped out of the black SUV quickly retrieving the bags from the back. Jo walked over to the passenger window bag in hand. "Thank you, Frank."

"Always a pleasure Mrs. Olsen" The couple rarely used their private car service but when they did they always asked for Frank. Jo took hold of her and suitcase before gently walking behind Lizzie taking a hold of her suitcase. Lizzie looked over at her "What are you doing?"

"Taking your suitcase."

Lizzie took it back "If you take my suitcase I can't hold your hand. She brought her hand in behind grazing Jo's butt before finally clasping her hand into Jos "We can't be having that." She leaned over

Jo nodded "Yes ma'am."

When they sat on the plane Lizzie turned to Jo "I am proud of you for helping my sisters and they aren't always my favorite but please don't bite off their heads."

"I'll behave."

"Jo is being serious."

"So am I. Our children deserve all the family they can have. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that."

Lizzie leaned into Jo "I know I just... I don't know."

Jo kissed her head "Thats okay."

Jo and Lizzie walked hand in hand to the set. Lizzie wore a stunning red suit while Jo was in Jeans and a tank top. Sean was the first to greet them he reached his hand out to them "Elizabeth it is wonderful to meet you."


He turned to Jo "The wife?"

"I better be" Jo laughed "Josephine but you can call me Jo."

"Very nice to meet you, Jo. Natasha my girlfriend is a big fan. We own lots of your portraits."

Jo smiled "Thank you. Our planet is pretty magnificent I'm just lucky enough to be one of the many to capture it."

"This may be weird but is there any way I can get a picture and send it to Natasha?"

Jo nodded "Actually Ill do you one better. Is she working right now?"

Sean looked down at his watch "No."

"Can you facetime her?"

"Oh, she would love that!"

"How about why you guys are getting mixed up I talk with her?"

"Perfect." Sean went into his phone


"I have a surprise for you?"

"Okay..." He handed the phone to Jo "OH MY GOD!!!" Jo and Lizzie let out belly laughs. "You- your Josephine Olsen."

"I am!" Jo nodded

"Your talking to me!"

"I am!"

"Are you on the show?"

"No Not me! She turned the phone "She is!"

"Oh my gosh! Elizabeth Olsen!"

Jo nodded "You know I have the same reaction."

"You two are my favorite power couple."

Lizzie kissed Jo's cheek "Thank you."

"I heard you are a big fan so I wanted to get a chance to talk with you."

"This is the best!"

Jo took a few steps to the side so they could work on getting Lizzie set up. "Do you have any questions or anything?"

Oh, this is gonna be a gas!Where stories live. Discover now