Spousal Privilege

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The next few chapters are going to be done a little differently. This chapter acts as an introduction to the next few chapters.

"This is Spousal Privilege. In today's podcast we sat down with Elizabeth Olsen and talked about her incredible wife, how they met, the secret Jo kept from her until they were married and so much more so stay tuned!"

After a short commercial break, it began.

"Hello I am Morgan Kennedy and today I am joined by the incomparable, amazing Elizabeth Olsen. Lizzie! Hello."

"Hello, Morgan," Lizzie said cooly

"You have a very cool wife."

Lizzie laughed, "Yes, yes I do."

"No, I need these listeners to understand. I had the honor of talking to your wife a few weeks ago for my other podcast Random Conversations with Morgan Freeman where each week the topic changes. That week was photography and she was absolutely incredible."

Lizzie laughed, "She is really cool. I am a very lucky girl."

"Like any good love story, I have to ask when did you meet what was that like?"

"Okay." Lizzie said bubbly "So we met on the set of Captain America: The Winter Soldier very briefly. I think it took maybe three minutes."

"Why so brief?"

"We were doing the end credit scene where I am just holding my hand in some contorted manner. They had the main camera guys doing retakes so Jo was in charge of that little scene."

"So filming it?"

"Yes filming it and stills of course. So she came and said hello then she squatted beside me and held her hands in some contorted way for me to copy."

"So she created the iconic Scarlett Which pose?"

Lizzie laughed "Some of them. It was mainly Joss Whedon but Jo did have a few."

"Did you know then?"


"When you met her."

"That I would marry her?"


"No. No" Lizzie laughed "I was so excited to be a part of the whole thing that I completely blocked her out. But then we started Age of Ultron and then I was like hook, line, and sinker that girl is mine."

"How far in did you know?"

"Well I- I think I have said this before in an interview- I know I have told someone. But I always say marry someone you crave to learn more about. I never craved knowing someone until Jo. She was and still is in many ways just a beautiful mystery and I craved knowing her in any way I could. I didn't know who she would be whether that would be a friend or a girlfriend. I just knew she was someone I needed in my life."

"I like that. Craving someone. Now your wife is very wise."

"Yes! She is so wise, smart, and knowledgeable."

"Do you think there is a difference between-"

"Knowledge and wisdom?"

"No-well- we know there is a difference. I was talking more knowledge and smart."

"Yes, I do believe so. It's like this. Knowledge is to know something while being smart is to know how to use that knowledge."

"That's really good I may steal it."

"Go ahead. I did.

"From who?"


"Back when you had Instagram you posted some really beautiful wedding photos. Where did you two get married?"

"On her grandfather's land in Georgia."

"That was back in?"

"February 10, 2017."

"Is she older or younger than you? I ask because I know your birthday is around then."

"Yes. My birthday is the 16th, hers is the 20th but she is two years younger so she is thirty."

"Do you like having all those events back to back?"

"Yes and no but it's perfect for us."

"I know you work with Jo. How do you balance being around each other that much? Do you have different friend groups?"

"I always love being around her. We are really lucky because we are very comfortable in silence together."

"What does that mean?"

"Like we can sit in a room and be completely quite and just be content that the other person is there. We do have different friend groups but our core group is the same."

"I learned something about Jo while talking with her."

"What was that?"

"She has her doctorate in piano playing."

Lizzie nodded with a big smile "She does!"

"Is that what pulled you in?"

"Kind of. On our first date, we went to see a band called Milo Green. Jo knows one of the members any way we got there and they ran up and were like 'Jo we need you to come to play the piano.'."

"What did she say."

"She tried to get out of it but I told her to go. I am so glad I did. She was fantastic, is fantastic."

"Are you still friends with them?"

"Oh yes! One of my best friends is from the band, Robbie Arnett."

"Thats so cool."

"Jo always says in another life it would have been me and Robbie who fell in love."

"How does that make you feel?"

"Robbie and I don't like it because we are both so in love with our respective people."

"Do you have a piano?"

"Yes, we have a very nice piano that Jo plays often."

"Thats so sweet. Is it like your on the couch and she's singing to you?"

"Yes." Lizzie laughed "It is just the sweetest thing and I love it so much. When I was a little girl I remember that I wanted to come home to someone that was musical and ould just strum while I read."

"You are living your childhood fantasy."

"And so much more." Lizzie smiled

"We will be right back with Lizzie to talk about the boy that brought the couple together and ultimately lead to their marriage. Stay tuned!"

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