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Georgia's POV

The fight between Pat and I was bad, one of our worst fights to date. This eventually ended in Pat and I not speaking for a week.

I couldn't stop replaying the things we said to each other. We both said equally hurtful things and I wish I could take them all back. If that meant we could go back to the way we were, I would take it all back in a second.

I hadn't tried to contact him, just like he hadn't tried to contact me. We were mutually giving each other space. I was still waiting for an apology but that was becoming harder knowing myself.

All I wanted was to apologise for my part in the argument and just make it all better. That's just what I did. But somehow it was more complicated than that. Apologising wasn't something I could do to just fix it.

I was still getting over my past. All of the trauma I had endured was still draining the life out of me.

But my friendship with Pat was constant. It was the one thing that never faulted. Our friendship made it easier for me to move on and I am so grateful that I had him there to help me through it all.

The long talks, listening to me when I was breaking down. He sat through it all without a doubt upon his face. Never not willing to help me in any way he could.

Only for me to later learn that maybe his intentions weren't as good as I had hoped.

It didn't make sense to me. Everything we fought about was ridiculous. It wasn't the Pat that I knew and it didn't sit well with me.

He was the one person out there meant for me. My best friend and the person I trusted the most in the world. But maybe that wasn't enough these days.

I knew I couldn't dwell on the bad situation as I had a day planned. I was heading to Marcus's house and then we were going to walk the dogs together.

I got myself ready and packed the car with what I needed for the day. Hopping in my car, I drove down to their nearby home and parked on the nature strip.

I grabbed everything out of the back and helped Billie out the back and up the stairs.

I knocked gently on their front door, praying Marcus was keeping his promise that I wouldn't have to speak to Pat.

To my dismay, he wasn't keeping his promise. As Pat opened up the door to my deceitful expression, his shock was equal to mine.

"I'm just here for Marcus" I blurted out, he looked at me disappointedly. I looked awkwardly down to the ground, avoiding any possible eye contact.

I hated the fact that he was so special to me. That I knew everything about him and loved every moment we were together. Because I wanted to be happy, and the fights we had been having were breaking my heart one by one.

It was a two way street. He didn't even try to look at me. Both of us knowing how uncomfortable the situation was.

I wanted to speak up, I wanted to say everything I had bottled up. But I was sick of apologising first. I wanted him to take ownership for the things he said to me. They were hurtful words and I would never forget what came out of his mouth.

"I'll just wait for him here" I said quietly and turned my back on him, facing the road and taking a seat on the steps.

"George can we talk....please" He pleaded with me softly.

"Not right now. I-I can't" I stuttered out, looking up at his pale blues eyes, begging me for forgiveness.

But actions speak louder than words. He couldn't keep promising he would stop hurting me, if he kept doing it. I couldn't keep putting myself through it.

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