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Georgia's POV

The holidays should be about relaxing, which is impossible if there are a thousand invisible hoops to jump through.

Fail to jump one and someone is angry with you... so we agreed to ignore it all and invent our own stupidly fun traditions.

The holidays became better when we made it ourselves. We did what we wanted to do without taking on others suggestions.

This holiday was about distraction. Distraction and getting over hurdles. That's what Grace and Tash had already decided for me.

They knew I needed a detox. They wanted to hangout with me without feeling horrible for the awful life I was living. It was almost a pity trip but I was going along with it for the sake of a much needed break.

I didn't want to think about all the bad things going on in my life at the moment so a few days ago, Grace, Tash and I decided that we were taking a little girls trip to Bali for a few days.

It was school holidays for me and Grace and Tash found time off so it was the perfect time.

There was too much stress in my life and I only just now realised it which was annoying. I couldn't handle anymore pressure.

All the expectations of what I have to live up to. I needed a break and I couldn't think of anyone else I would want to go with. Holidays were about relaxing but I had a few distractions keeping me from becoming tranquil.

It had been a couple of weeks since the dinner party where Pat and Lily announced that they were engaged.

Since then, I haven't spoken to Pat. He hasn't reached out to me at all so I was just trying to focus on other things.

Like going on this holiday. The happy things, like my two best friends that didn't get engaged to someone who despises me.

I was still getting over the fact that they were engaged. As much as it hurt me. I didn't want Pat to know that it did.

If he did, he would think something was up and I would be horrible if I stood in the way of his engagement. I was going to let him marry Lily even if it broke me inside.

There is still the factor of Darcy and I still being together. But it was not the together I wanted us to be.

I just didn't have time to worry about the silly things Darcy was doing. I had more important things to focus on.

It didn't help that I was constantly reminded of what he 'might' be doing behind my back. Maybe is not definite, so for some reason, I was giving Darcy the benefit of the doubt.

The girls keep telling me that they think he is cheating and there are some signs that they are potentially correct. But what girl wants to believe that their first love is cheating on them while they are believing they still love them.

It's a nightmare of mine that I didn't want to become a reality. That's why I was going on this holiday. To break free from all the drama that was building up stress inside of me.

I was packing my bag full of my bikinis and beach items. I was excited to be heading to Bali of all places. I had been when I was younger but it's nothing compared to going with your friends.

Parties, drinking and meeting new people. Instead of hanging out with your parents by the hotel pool. This trip was going to be a totally different experience.

Eventually, I finished packing my bag and put it near the front door where I saw Grace and Tash's bags too. Then I went to the kitchen where I saw the girls talking.

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