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Georgia's POV

Life is a funny thing, isn't it.

I thought this to myself frequently.

Pat and I had come full circle after months and months of tip toeing around one another. We were at a stand still in our friendship, relationship, whatever I was supposed to call it now.

I was set on maintaining this status. Nothing was going to make me to hash out all of my feelings. I had put myself out there enough in my opinion, only for it to be thrown back in my face harshly.

After the whole incident with Darcy, we made an unspoken agreement to be civil.

I was thoroughly enjoying his company once again. Over the past few days, we had been laughing like we used to, getting along the way we once did.

It was refreshing. Not only that, it was making me feel so much better about everything going on in my life.

When I didn't have to worry about fixing things with Pat, my priorities were elsewhere, where they needed to be.

Currently, my priority was helping Pat out where I could. Acting tough never worked for him. I could still see he was struggling to do things on his own.

Once again, the 4 of us were hanging out at someone's house. This time it was the boys' turn to host.

We didn't feel the need to go out, or break the bank for no occasion. Instead we sat at home, enjoyed each other's company and the time we had left with Josh.

I had been over all day looking after him, making sure he wasn't overdoing himself like he promised me he wouldn't.

Pat was seriously unaware of how much damage he could do by rushing the healing process. Meaning it became my responsibility to watch out for him.

Like in this moment, where he intended on taking a shower. The pain was written on his face each inch he moved, but he didn't speak of it.

So I just stood by cautiously in case anything happened. The other boys were no help.

"Are you sure you're alright? I don't mind helping" I persisted with him.

"I can walk George, don't worry" He answered as he stretched himself out and off the couch cautiously.

He was careful not to move too suddenly, afraid to feel the pain anywhere. With slow steps, he eased his way out of the living room and progressed down the hallway.

I didn't enjoy watching him hobble about. He just had too big of an ego to accept any help.

I don't think I could ever reciprocate the help he gave me after my accident, especially if he didn't allow me to.

Instead of holding him up as he dragged his feet to the shower, I just trailed behind, hoping to catch him if he ever fell. 

"Georgia I'm fine" he shook his head and chuckled as he heard me gasp at his near catastrophic fall.

"You are not. Please just let me help you" I begged him, I was pretty convincing if I do say so myself.

He rolled his eyes in a not at all subtle way, and eventually gave in. He was only half way to his room and was already wincing in pain.

I crept one hand behind his back and the other pulled his i arm over my shoulder.

"It's just really sore today" He said, trying to cover up for his display of weakness.

Step by step we inched closer to his room. My hand stabilised his whole body as best it could. There was only so much weight my arm could take before giving in.

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