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Patrick's POV

I had gone against everything I was protecting myself from and I texted Georgia. I decided to ignore what Lily thought and text her.

It was a rash decision. But last night, I sat on the bed thinking, and I came to the conclusion that it was my only choice. And it was a choice I wanted to make.

No matter how mad Lily got, I had to apologise to Georgia and fix what was going on.

Of course I would prefer for Lily and Georgia to get along. I was marrying Lily. I didn't want her to feel threatened by Georgia's presence. But I couldn't sit there and do nothing anymore.

It was my fault in the first place so it was my responsibility to fix it. I needed her to forgive me so I could be happy again.

It wasn't who I was. To let this sort of disagreement keep us apart for so long. It was never what I planned. So now it was my responsibility to fix it.

I didn't care about any rules that Lily had. I didn't care what she thought. In that moment where I texted her, all I was thinking about was what was best for her and I.

I texted and asked her if she wanted to come over so we could talk. That was last night, so today was the day.

I thought a good talk would really get us through the situation. I wanted to be as close as we were a couple months ago. I had to be the person to make it happen considering I was the one that messed it all up.

I knew George wouldn't want to talk to me so I had to make her somehow. She had every right not to talk to me. The way I had treated her was out of order.

It wasn't who I wanted to be. Or how I ever wanted to treat her.

When Josh came and talked to me about how Georgia was doing, it hurt to know I was the reason that she wasn't doing well.

I never wanted her to be in pain. Especially because of something I had done.

Getting back with Lily was not something I regret. If I did, we wouldn't still be together. I love Lily and I love Georgia. It was as simple as that. For me to be happy, I wanted both of them in my life.

Now I just had to make it right with her. I needed her forgiveness for me to continue. Her friendship means everything to me and I took it for granted.

Everything she does for me I took for granted. Now I realise that and I just wish I hadn't gone there. I wish I could tell her how much I appreciate her without Lily hating me for it. I was torn between two very different people.

My parents were arriving in just a few hours from Perth and coming to stay over for a few nights.

We planned on just having dinner tonight with Lily at home. They would be really excited to see George and her family again too.

They didn't really know what had happened between us and I planned on keeping it that way. Until we were back to normal. I couldn't handle the judgement they would give me if they knew.

I was texting George about her coming over soon when I heard Lily come out from the kitchen.

She stood behind me on the couch. I felt her eyes peering down on me.

Attached to my phone screen. I didn't even have to turn around and look at her. I could feel it and it was making me more than uncomfortable.

"Who you texting babe?" She asked suspiciously.

"Uh, it's just Georgia" I replied honestly.

"Georgia? Are you kidding me Pat?" She yelled suddenly.

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