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Georgia's POV

"I'm so so proud of you Pat. No matter what place you came okay?" I assured him as the two of us stood to the side of the room as everyone else frolicked about.

"Thanks George. Don't worry about me though I'll be fine, just disappointed in myself" He told me.

"You have no reason to feel that way okay? Did you have your best season? No. But did you try your hardest every week to lead this club? Damn right you did, and everyone is so proud of you" I explained to him, trying to boost his confidence as best as I could.

He didn't say anything else, he just wrapped me in a hug, showing his appreciation.

I just knew I had to say something before the rest of the night unfolded. I could already tell how hard he was taking it. He had a smile on his face which would appear real to some, but I knew it wasn't.

The two of us separated in the room afterwards. He went to vent his frustrations with his teammates. And I stayed with the girls as we watched from afar. Of course we had our own fun dancing together, but I was pretty distracted.

I kept looking over at him to make sure he was okay, which I knew he wasn't. But he was putting on a brave face which made me even more proud.

Even though at times it was frustrating that I was here for him to talk to and he didn't want to, I was still proud of how he was handling it. I knew there would still be time for me to talk to him later.

I stood to the side of the room, watching everyone mingle with each other. Players, coaches and staff all stayed to celebrate with Jacob and the rest of the group.

I had stayed close to Bella for most of the night but I needed a break and it gave me some more time to think.

"Georgia you have to stop worrying about him" I heard from a voice behind me. I turned to see Fish's smiling face.

"I'm not, I'm just observing" I said, not hiding the truth well at all.

"He'll be okay. He's got you in his life and we'll all get behind him and make sure he knows he didn't disappoint anyone" Zac explained to me, calming my nerves entirely.

"Thank you" I replied as Zac returned to the group of players partying in the middle of the room.

I then followed behind him a few minutes later and went back to the celebrations, I knew the other stuff could wait. More people flocked in as the hours ticked by. People from all over, most had no relation to the club in the slightest.

There were plenty of eligible bachelorettes clawing their way to Pat as he ignored each of them. Each time I saw one of them approach him, my heart sank, and I hated that it did.

All I wanted was to forget about my feelings for him. So I didn't feel so horrible every time I saw a girl go near him.

Because I knew it was inevitable that one day there would be a girl that approached him and stuck around for good. It was only a matter of time before he moved on from Lily. I had to prepare myself for that moment.

I thought maybe that moment had come quicker than anticipated as I saw another girl approach him. She was tall and beautiful, the type of smile I knew he would be drawn to. And finally, after several attempts by others, he showed interest.

He spoke closely with this girl, surrounded by the other boys who were chatting away. She stood in close proximity, almost too close for my liking. I was becoming uncomfortable with the distance that it almost became unbearable to watch. I cringed at the sight of the girl all over him.

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