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Georgia's POV

House parties: Free endless drinks everywhere. Sometimes they'll be on the floor to or when you first step out the car there's normally beer bottles strewn about on the lawn.

There is really loud thumping music, usually the popular stuff of the time mixed with some old classics.

Mostly everyone is drunk/tipsy, with a few people in clusters sitting around outside either dancing somewhere, drinking or just talking.

The occasional drunk person may be stumbling around. Talk about how the place looks as well. Occasionally having that many drunken people can destroy a house or building.

I was tempted to steer clear of all parties. They never ended well for anyone, especially for me. The last I attended ended in yet another hurdle in the friendship of Pat and myself.

He was with Lily back then. I knew things had changed dramatically, but in the end, so many things had stayed the same.

For instance, he was still not single. He was going to be accompanied to the party by someone other than myself. That in itself was enough to put me off of going.

The only reason I ever agreed is because of Marcus. All he did was worry about me and my current social life. It was pretty non-existent at the moment after finding myself in the dumps for the past weeks.

In an attempt to get me out of my work, eat, sleep routine, Marcus guilted me into going. I knew it would make him happy which is all I wanted to do these days.

I got ready at my own house. Marcus and Josh were over, as well as Emma. We were all heading over as a group. If I had to turn up alone, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

Three out of the four of us were waiting in the living room, just about ready to head out the door. Then Emma came in, the last to be ready.

"Finally, let's go" Marcus declared, getting up off the couch.

"Sorry" Emma apologised as she walked over to where Josh was standing.

"You look beautiful" He told her as he kissed her gently. He looked at her lovingly, you couldn't wipe the smile off his face even if you tried.

She smiled back at him and they walked hand in hand out the front.

I stood for a second and composed myself. Seeing that had hit me a little bit harder than I thought it would.

I was so happy for them. I had watched them fall in love and it was so special. Seeing their development together overtime made me appreciate love even more.

But it also made me envious of what they had.

The thing I searched for. That eternal love that you heard about constantly.

I wanted it. I mean we all wanted it in any shape or form, it didn't matter. We all needed to feel that love at one point in our lives, and I don't think I had felt it yet.

That spine tingling, leg jittering, tummy turning kind of love. Something I thought I would have had by now. That's why it hurt so much.

Marcus noticed the pain on my face and stiffness in my posture as I stood there. So as he exited the house himself, he walked closely with me and rubbed my back supportively as we followed Josh and Emma out the door.

The four of us got in Marcus' car and began the agonising drive there. Full of nerves and anticipation none of which I enjoyed.

Upon arrival, I noticed the cars already stacking up in the driveway. There were plenty of people who had already gathered inside. It was way bigger than I thought it would be. Definitely bigger than Marcus described, but who could trust him anyway.

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