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Georgia's POV

I hadn't felt this excited by an event in several months.

I was just hopeful that the night would pull me out of my funk, and make me appreciative for the things I did have, apposed to the things I didn't.

Pat being one of them. I was more than excited to be going with him, supporting him after a hard year on-field.

He wasn't going to win, but there was always a possibility of him going home with a medal around his neck.

I knew he didn't think so, but he had a good season. Maybe not the best, but he had one of those seasons that he was bound to have.

He couldn't be expected to be performing at the highest level through his whole career.

There were going to be bumps along the way, and this year had many. Including his off-field drama which probably distracted him a fair bet. That was all on me, something I always felt sorry for.

But today I put all of that behind me and tried to focus again on the good things.

Getting ready after a long day of waiting around. I brought myself to shower realising it would be best if I did. I washed my hair and did all my usual going out preparation. Only this time, it was very different.

As I blow dried my hair, releasing it of it's density, all I could think about was the night I had ahead of me. I was nervous to attend, but so much more excited. I knew Pat would have my back, and I would have his.

I didn't take long to get ready unlike Pat made out. I did my makeup and hair within 30 minutes. I still had time to spare before needing to put my dress on.

I walked back into my room, looking at the dress that lay on the bed. I admired the fabric and the shape which would hug my figure. The colour to flatter me. A new dress to broadcast to all those I would be seeing. One which would hopefully bring me great confidence.

I lifted the dress up and held it close to my frame, imagining how it would look as I put it on. I then quickly slipped on the dress, knowing Pat was arriving soon.

Each strap, one at a time I lifted onto my shoulder as the dress sat nicely on me.

I looked at my image in the mirror, a girl whose glow has faded with the passing time.

My focus was mainly on what I perceived as flaws. I just remembered how much I hate mirrors as they never lie. There is no hiding from the harsh reality reflected in a mirror. Mirrors have no filters.

Upon the silk of the dress, it was cosy to my body, its touch both light and soothing. In such a dress I felt feminine and strong, all the best parts of it blossoming into a broad smile.

I added the heels shortly after, completing the process with each accessory. Next, the jewellery. Then, another look in the mirror, making sure I felt comfortable in my own skin.

As the endless amounts of people I would be talking to couldn't know about my constant insecurities.

I brushed my hand against the dress, partially attempting to rub away the insecurities I had. Hoping that if I did it enough, the parts of my body I hated would suddenly vanish. That's not how it works.

All I could do for the time being was enjoy the night out, not caring what people thought of me.

I was interrupted in my worries by the doorbell ringing followed by the dog barking profusely. Expecting Pat at the door, I carried a smile on my face as I walked over to greet him.

I opened the door an saw a dewy-eyed Pat standing on the steps to my house. Flowers in hand, suited up, he had never looked better to me.

No one feature makes Pat so handsome, though his eyes come close. People often speak of the colour of eyes, as if that were of importance, yet his would be beautiful in any shade. From them comes an intensity, an honesty, a gentleness.

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