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Georgia's POV

The night at the beach ended up being more entertaining than I initially thought. We caught up with Josh and sorted out some future trips to hang out. It was fun while it lasted. We ended up having to leave a bit early because there were some highly intoxicated Uni students causing trouble near us. We couldn't risk any of the boys being associated with that sort of trouble.

It was a good way to send me off into the day ahead. It was one I had been dreading for a while. Josh was playing against Darcy and I was going to have to bare it. I was going to the MCG with my family, Pat and Marcus. It was Essendon vs GWS at the G'. Lily was also coming but it wasn't something I could control. I was nervous for Darcy and Josh to play on each other. I know that Josh doesn't like Darcy and he thinks that he isn't right for me. I kind of agree with him but a part of me was just scared to break up with him. I am scared to let go of those 6 years of my life. I didn't want to come to the realisation that I had just waisted 6 years of my life longing over a guy who never loved me in the first place. I hope those thoughts won't be a reality for me but I can't tell what the future holds for me.

I got dressed into something casual and put on my GWS scarf and my Essendon Darcy Parish pin. I was going for the Giants today even though Darcy didn't want me to.

Once I was ready I texted Josh to tell him that I would see him at half time. I hopped in my car and drove off to Pat's house. I was picking him and Marcus up. I arrived at their house and waited for them as I honked the horn repeatedly. Pat came out eventually with no Lily in sight, thank god. He jogged over to my car and hopped in the front seat. Marcus was obviously still inside.

"Hey George" He said as he put his seatbelt on.

"Hey" I replied reaching over to hug him. Then Marcus walked out the front door and ran to the car. He got in with his shoes in hand.

"Hey! Ready for the game?" He asked us enthusiastically as he hopped in.

"Yep, should we go then?" I told them.

"Yeahhh, lets go giants!" Pat yelled as I drove off to the MCG.


We were all sitting in our seats at the MCG. We were on the second level somewhere between both ends. They were pretty good seats that we only got because of the people I knew. Being friends with AFL players definitely has its perks. The 3 of us were sitting together, waiting for my family to arrive. My whole family didn't get to see Josh very often. When we did see Josh, it was always family time. Pat and Marcus didn't see my family very often even though we all live in Melbourne. Pat and Marcus grew up being super close with my family, so when we all got together, it was always great. When they arrived, Dad did his hand shakes with Pat and Marcus that he made up when we were teenagers. We all then sat down in our seats waiting for the game to begin. Mum and I shook our heads and laughed at them.


The siren went to signal the start of the game. My heart was racing a million miles per hour. I watched carefully as Darcy and Josh lined up on each other. They gave each other a quick nudge. No handshake, no laughs or smiles. They were serious and that is what made me even more scared for the game to come.

The ball was bounced and I watched as Darcy and Josh ran towards the ball, shoving each other out of the way to get there. I knew from then on, it would be a tough contest for the whole game.

It was 15 minutes into the 3rd quarter. The Giants were up by 11 points and the game was very scrappy. The ball was in the Giants forward 50 and was being thrown in by the umpire. I watched as the 2 ruckman ran towards the ball. They tapped it down and it landed in Josh's lap. He ran around a couple of players, trying to run towards goal. He was running in the pocket, closing in on goal, bouncing the ball as he did. His team mates were shepparding any players to come near him. He bounced the ball once more before dropping the ball on his right foot. It soared through the big sticks and went straight over the goal umpires head. The boys and I stood up with our arms up in the air. He'd kicked the goal and they were now 17 points in front. He ran around celebrating and high giving his team mates. He ran past Darcy and gave him a small smile and a cheeky wink. I could see it on the big screen but I knew it wasn't going to make Darcy happy.

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