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Georgia's POV

I feel lost and confused, but happy and certain. I am like a ball of tangled yarn. The parts that are untangled are available, useable; the rest is a mess, useless until it is untied. That mess feels endless and at most times unyielding.

I knew after everything that had happened between Pat and I, I would sacrifice my ambitions to keep him happy. But to me sacrifice can only ever be a personal decision about oneself to be noble.

I would never ask him for the same in return, because I trust in his ability to think and make decisions himself.

But this was something I never thought I would have to do for Pat. Something I never imagined him to even ask me.

It was a bit of a kick in the guts. Made me realise what I was to him. What I always have been. His best friend of 23 years.

It wasn't going to change and the quicker I realised that, the better off I would be.

It was my responsibility to be the bigger person. To me that was the most important part of a friendship. To support one another, even if you disagree with their choices.

It was an unwritten rule that I always followed. To make sure I was the best person I could be for him and for me.

That is why I hadn't said anything or complained about what he asked. It wasn't my place to say anything.

For the time being, I was find distractions the best way I could. With Grace and Tash. In order to shorten the pain I would feel when the day arrived when I had to help him.

So for the night ahead, I was going out with Tash and Grace. We were going out for dinner and then to a bar that they were desperate to go to. We usually went out all together every few weeks just to get away from all the distractions.

I wasn't much of a partier, but I knew I needed a distraction and it was my only choice.

I hadn't spoken to Pat since he asked for my help with Lily.

It was awkward between us for the moment. No calls, texts or interactions. It's like we both knew why the other wasn't talking but no one said anything.

We both just stayed quiet to ensure we didn't hurt one another.

I couldn't talk to him now anyway because he was away in Perth for a game against Fremantle.

We were pretty much all good now. Considering he didn't know how I was feeling, he shouldn't have any worries.

The only problem is me. I'm the one who has to figure out my feelings for Pat, not him. He is head over heels in love with Lily and that wasn't going to change.

Maybe I just needed to suck it up and get rid of my feelings for Pat and ignore them. Maybe they aren't even there and I am just confused, I really don't know at all. All it's going to do is mess up my relationship with him and I don't want that.

Darcy on the other hand, he hasn't been home in a few days. I haven't talked to him in a few days either. He has texted me and told me that he is staying at a mates house so I just let him be.

In someways I felt like he is ignoring me so that he doesn't mess anything up and I don't breakup with him for real. I don't really care anymore to be honest. I'm just trying to focus on my teaching and all the good people I have in my life.

I had already had a shower this morning so all I needed to do to get ready was get dressed.

For once I didn't have the girls pressuring me to put my best foot forward.

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