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Georgia's POV

Today I was feeling a lot better.

It had been two weeks since I woke up and I was healing perfectly. I still dreaded my daily walk with the frame but it was getting easier to do.

Josh had been by my side the whole time, not giving up on me for a second. My parents also hadn't left much. They had been home for a few hours but they couldn't stay away for any longer.

I knew they were all still worried but I felt fine. Besides my walking and mobility issues I had, my health was fine and all I wanted was for them to stop worrying about me.

Especially Pat.

He still hadn't left. Every day I woke up and asked Mum. And she told me that he was still waiting for me to talk to him.

It was killing me. Making it even harder to stay mad at him.

If I could walk on my own, I would march over to him and talk some sense into him.

To tell him that he needed to go home and get a good nights sleep and a proper shower. He was practically living in the hospital. It wasn't good for him.

He would wake up, get everyone breakfast. Then wait some more. Until he had to go to training. Then he would go and then come straight back and sleep.

And he did the same thing every day.

I hadn't seen what he looked like but I could only assume it's not the way I left him. I couldn't even imagine how tired he must have been. All I wanted to do was put an end to it.

But every time I get enough courage to open my mouth and talk to him, I quickly chicken out and start crying.

Because thinking about anything that has to do with him makes me want to scream and ball my eyes out. It was a feeling I could never ever get used to.

I wanted to forgive him. Believe me I did. But it was so much harder than I initially thought. I didn't realise how challenging it would be to put everything in the past and let go.

I just didn't feel the sincerity from him. That's what I needed. I needed to know he was genuinely sorry and actually wanted to make up.

Because if I forgave him and he broke my heart again, I was unsure as to what would happen. I probably wouldn't survive another heartbreak.

I sat up in my hospital bed, able to lift myself up without any pain. That was a great feeling.

Then Mum walked in my room with two coffees in her hand. She walked over and handed me one.

"He's still here?" I asked her as I slumped down in my bed.

"Yep" she answered.

"Mum this is getting ridiculous" I told her.

"He's okay honey. Do you really think we would let him if he wasn't okay" she insisted.

I backed down. I felt more calm but still worried about his wellbeing.

Which almost told me everything it needed to about my feelings. If I cared about him so much, why couldn't I find the will to forgive him.

Mum started unpacking a new bag she had brought from home. Full of fresh clothes and other belongings to make the place feel more homey.

That's when Josh, Daniel and Josh walked in with a bunch of board games and video games in hand.

I instantly smiled at the sight of the three of them. Standing in front of my bed with the widest grins you could imagine.

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