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Georgia's POV

It was only the day after my confrontation with Pat. I was still really heart broken, trying to not show it but it was difficult.

I had been in this position enough times now to know I can't show how I was feeling. I had to suck it up for those around me.

I just couldn't afford to miss work and to make others worry. They all had their own lives and I was an adult. I knew I could get though it by myself.

I did feel a little bit better knowing that Josh was coming over to Melbourne for another away game.

Of course he still wasn't playing, thanks to Darcy. But he was still coming over as he was an important member of the team.

He was going to stay with me instead of staying at his hotel with his team.

I was going to pick him up from the airport soon, so I got in the car and started driving there.

Josh did know that something happened with Pat but he wasn't sure what. I told him that I wanted to fill him in, in person.

I hated over the phone gossip sessions. Especially when they were about me.

He was being the kind and gentle brother that he was when I was hurting. But that could change quickly if I told him and he got angry.

He was protective. That was obvious. On the verge of over protective. He wasn't there yet but he was getting to that territory.

He was always concerned when I wasn't doing well. I wasn't sure how he would react but I was definitely more nervous than when I told Tash and Grace.

Because this time, I might actually have to stop him from doing something regretful.

Once I got to the airport, I walked through the doors and saw Josh waiting with his suitcase.

His team must have already taken the bus to the hotel. I began walking up to him without him noticing me but he eventually looked up at me when I got closer.

He grew a massive smile as he saw me approaching.

"Hey George" He said as he wrapped me in a warm hug.

"Hi Josh" I responded happily.

I was so glad to have him here. But I remembered he had a job to do. He came to Melbourne for game. Not to take care of his little sister.

I kept having to remind myself that the people I cared about, cared too much about me. That I had to push them into doing things for themselves. So they would stop worrying about me for one second.

I already had to send Tash and Grace off to work because they refused to leave me alone. And Marcus. Don't even get me started on him. He didn't want to go to training because he felt to bad.

I wasn't a bad enough person to let them do that for me. It wasn't going to happen. They were too scared of me to say no when I yelled at them as well.

Josh wrapped his arm around me and we walked out to my car together. We both hopped in and I started driving us home.

"How was your flight?" I asked him.

"Short" he answered, referring to the distance between Sydney and Melbourne.

"So what's going on with you George" He asked.

"Not much" I said.

"Really? Cause I got a call from Tash the other day" He admitted.

"What did she tell you" I said, rolling my eyes.

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