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Georgia's POV

Nights like that were more frequent then not. Once again, I spent my time in the arms of one of my best friends. Shedding tears along the way, everything I bottled up came pouring out.

Marcus had wrapped his arms around me, literally and figuratively speaking. He didn't try and reason with me, or make any excuses for Pat.

This was all after the call he shared with Josh. I was a nervous wreck as Marcus held the phone up to his ear.

Although it wasn't on speaker, I could hear Josh's wrath as Marcus spoke to him.

They spoke on the phone for a while, Marcus even left the room at one point. Obviously not wanting me to hear exactly what he was saying.

Eventually he relayed to me that Josh was keen to hop on a flight as soon as he could.

The end of the season had approached so Josh now had time to spare. He had nothing left to do at the club, already completing his exit interview earlier.

I felt elated to be seeing my brother again. To be able to see each other regularly was always an unattainable hope of mine.

I was definitely highly strung when it came to this situation. Always on edge to see how things planned out.

I had a feeling Josh would act the way he usually does. It was going to be hard to see him so angry again. I knew he was protective, and I didn't blame him for that.

But all this built up anger towards someone who I know he also cares about so much. Someone he trusted to take care of me while he was gone. He hated it as much as I did to have to hold a grudge against Pat.

I didn't want to be mad at him. I still loved him, he hadn't done anything yet to erase that. Yet every time I thought about him, I felt more unsettled. Something about what he did hadn't sat well with me from the beginning.

He now put a rift between him and all of the people we are close with, as all of them chose to stick by my side. As much as I appreciated the gesture and that they recognised what he did was wrong, I didn't want him to be alone.

I knew what it felt like and I would never wish that upon Pat. But there was nothing I could do to control Marcus or Josh. Both of them stood their ground and made sure I knew they were on 'my side'.

I was anxious more so about the part I played in our state of affairs. Definitely embarrassed to even be in this position. But most of all I was distraught that I was slowly losing my best friend.

Someone who had been with me for every high and low that life can throw at you. The fact that we had let things like this get in between us infuriated me.

We never would have ended up in this position if Pat had have been more clear about his feelings. And if he ever decided to think about me before he did something stupid.

Now, thank god, I had a few things to look forward to just to distract myself with. The most exciting of them all was going to get Josh from the airport. He was flying in early in the day, meaning I was responsible for getting him.

Before I did so, I was going over to Marcus's house quickly to pick him up. As he and I planned on going together.

Of course there was always a risk that Pat would be there, but we weren't exactly on speaking terms so I chose not to stress over it.

I got to Marcus's place within a few minutes and hopped out the car with confidence. As I guided myself up the stairs, I became uncomfortable with the surroundings, all of it bringing back too many bad memories I chose to forget.

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