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Georgia's POV

(8 years later)

School had finally wrapped up for the day. 6, almost 7 hours of hearing screaming children. Of course it was draining, but I never got tired of it.

I have taught hundreds of kids along the years. Some horrible, some so unbelievably bright, yet I never lost my passion for teaching.

My work had become my home away from home. There was nothing else I would rather be doing with my life than teaching. Except maybe for being a Mum. Those were my two greatest aspirations in life.

As work finished for the day, I took myself back to my car, rushing home to Pat who was waiting for me eagerly. I never got sick of coming home to him either. And I don't think I ever would.

After 3 years of dating, Pat proposed to me on one of our daily walks at the park. As our dogs ran past, wondering why we had suddenly stopped in our tracks, he asked me to marry him. It couldn't have been any more perfect.

The spot, the timing, he did it all in the ideal way. A place that held so many memories, some that I would cherish for the rest of my life. I see it as the place we fell in love, for real.

Shortly after, we had our wedding. Waiting for the off-season to approach before we tied the knot, and it was so special. We had everyone there, spending a night together to celebrate the love we have for each other.

I still see it as one of the best days of my entire life. There was dancing, drinking and a whole lot of chaos. But it was our day and I would do it all over again if I could. All of the years of anticipation building up to that single day. A day which was now so significant to us.

Now, 5 years on from that day, we lived the married life the only way we knew how. Laughs and late night talks never escaped our relationship. It was part of our daily routine now. Just to sit back and catch up before going to sleep.

Funnily enough it had become my absolute favourite part of the day. Exactly what I looked forward to when I got home from work.

This night would be a little different considering the circumstances. Pat's 304th and final game fell on a Friday night match against Melbourne of all teams. He had come full circle after 15 seasons of playing footy.

Starting his career in 2014. A round 4 match against the Dees is where it all began. Donning the number 16 and running around a few centimetres shorter back then. A lot had changed. But I had been there through it all. From the first game to the last, I'd ridden every bump alongside him.

Tonight we were finally saying goodbye to that part of our lives. Something I knew everyone would struggle to adjust to. It was the end of an era, and it was no doubt sad. But it also meant many more late night chats and giggles lay in our future.

So instead of spending time alone with him tonight, I would be cheering him on from the stands with a few other of his biggest supporters.

When I got home, I hurried inside, knowing he would give me grief if I made him late to his final game. I tossed my bag down by the door, then began searching for him inside the house.

Our house which we had bought together. Close by to everything we needed, I loved living here. It had taken a few years to finally be in a home we adored, but it was worth the wait.

When I walked in, I was approached firstly by our two loving dogs Ronnie and Billie. Growing old but still sticking around when it counted. They didn't get to the door as quickly anymore, but it didn't matter. I was just glad to still have them with us.

I crept through the halls, approaching the lounge room where I heard endless amounts of high pitched giggles, instantly putting a grin on my face. I shook my head smiling, knowing what I was about to walk into.

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