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Georgia's POV

Before the day had started for everyone else, I was already in my kitchen, fully dressed and ready to go. Outside the sun was rising, only by the clock can I tell the difference between the time to sleep and the time to rise. I woke up early because I couldn't sleep so I decided to make the most of it and allow more time to get ready for work.

I was working from 9am-3pm. I'm a primary school teacher. I've worked at the same school for a while now and I have no intention of leaving. It is a great school and everyone is really nice. It also super close to where I live so it was a convenient drive. I teach year 2's, so they are at a stage that they are pretty cheeky. I love kids so I always knew I wanted to be a teacher.

Driving to school was always a highlight of my day. I loved my work and what I got the opportunity to do. I never dreaded rocking up to work. Some people aren't as lucky to find a job that they truely love. I was so grateful to have a job perfectly fit for me.

I drove my car through the trickling rain drops and shallow puddles. When I got to the school, I parked in the staff car park and got out. I walked past the students that had arrived a fair bit early for school. Some were huddling under the safety of the roofs. Others were brave enough to swing on the monkey bars and run across the playground. I got a few waves and smiles as I walked through to my classroom.

I made my way to my desk in the staff room and put my stuff away that I didn't need at the moment. I went over to the fridge and grabbed some food because I was still hungry after my small breakfast. I went to the table in the middle of the room and sat down. My best friend at the school, Bella, was sitting on the other side of the table. Bella teaches the year 3's. We came to school at the same time so we became friends straight away. It was nice to have someone to talk to while trying to cope with screaming year 2's constantly in my ear. I love them and all, but I do get headaches most days. I was only just starting to get used to it. None of my friends outside of school had relatable jobs so I couldn't try and compare our lives.

It was 8:50 and school started at 9:00. I knew the siren would go early so I decided to head to my classroom. I walked to the classroom and put my bag down under my desk. I wrote down some notes on the whiteboard for the first activity of the day. I waited in my desk chair for the first bell to go. When it did, I walked to the door and opened it. My students and their parents were waiting outside.

"Hi everyone, Happy Monday!" I said to all of them and their parents.

"Hello Ms. Kelly!" They all said in that elongated students voice. They all have their parents a hug and made their way inside. I high fived each of them as they walked into the classroom. I waved goodbye to all their parents as they walked away from the classroom. When the last student had entered the room, I walked back to my desk. All of the kids hooked their bags on the wall and sat down in their seats. I looked out to the tables of kids who were all looking at me with enthusiastic smiles. They were very cheerful for a Monday morning.

"Alright class, please get out your maths books" I told them as I walked over to my desk in the corner. I heard a mutual sigh and then shuffling around. I grabbed some white board markers as I turned to the class again. Maths was definitely not their favourite subject.


The year 2's have a half day today because on Mondays they always have a half day because they are only young. Basically that meant my day ended at 12:30. Once I saw everyone get picked up, I grabbed all my stuff and walked out of the classroom. I locked the door to the classroom. I was putting my keys in my bag as I walked down the corridor.

"Hey George" I heard from in front of me. I looked up to see my older brother Josh standing in front of me. My expression changed to a frightened one as I took a sudden intake of breath and jumped off my feet. I stumbled backwards attempting to keep my composure. The halls were empty so I was expecting to be alone.

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