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Georgia's POV

I'm sad, angry, hurt, and in pain. Yet he still stays here, waiting for me to talk to him. But that's the last thing I would want to do.

I'm so disappointed in what he did. It got to a point where I realised I couldn't shut up about it anymore. I couldn't pretend I was okay when I wasn't.

That's what I had been doing. For years I would pretend I was fine when I was breaking inside seeing him with someone else.

Now that I had this accident. I was able to think about the way I had been treated.

And I finally concluded that I should never have ended up in that position. I never should have questioned my own self worth.

But I did. Because that's the state of mind I was in for all those years. But now I wanted that part of my life to be put behind me.

I was trying to find some positives out of a bad situation so I just thought of it as a fresh start.

As soon as I got out of the hospital and back home.

For weeks now, I had been physically stuck in a hospital bed. I had to adjust to walking again. I was crushed, under that car I was helpless.

And being in the hospital bed just brought back those emotions. Those final moments before I fell unconscious.

I wasn't screaming or crying like I thought I would. I was more in shock and that was blocking out the pain. But not helping the ability to breathe. I couldn't breathe under that car.

I hated not being able to breathe. It sucks. And now I was reminded of it every time I remembered why I was in a hospital bed in the middle of the week. With people coming in and out of my room to visit me.

The worst part was waking up in the middle of the night screaming because of nightmares. And having to have your brother help you get back to sleep. It was awful. I hated every second of it.

And I knew Josh had places to be. He wasn't even supposed to be in Melbourne. The only reason he stayed was because of my accident.

He was supposed to be in Sydney doing his rehab. But this was yet another thing involving me that was keeping my family from doing things they needed to do.

Everyone was supposed to be elsewhere. Not just Josh. Pat's parents were only supposed to stay for a few days. But now they wouldn't leave until they knew I was okay.

Waiting for me to get better. They all waited around everyday. And if they weren't at the hospital, they were out getting me something or something for my parents.

Pat was the worst of them all. Because the only place he had been besides the hospital, was down the street at the coffee shop.

Then he would come right back and sit outside my room.

He had slept in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs for too long. I refused to talk to him but he wouldn't leave. Not until I did.

After I saw him for the first time. It was confronting.

I didn't expect to feel such hatred towards someone I love so much. But all my anger boiled up and I snapped at him.

It's not what I wanted to happen but it was uncontrollable.

Then the whole drama with Josh happened right outside my window. It was disappointing but I knew how angry Josh would be.

But I almost felt sorry for Pat. He looked so unbelievably guiltily at me. I could tell he was sorry. But I just couldn't bring myself to forgive him.

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