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Georgia's POV

The other night at the barbecue, Pat and I made up. But I still didn't feel good about how we left things. I knew he was still a bit upset that I didn't tell him about the shoot.

Him trying to hide his disappointment didn't go to plan. If he really thought that after 23 years of friendship that I didn't know when he was upset, he had another thing coming for him.

I know him better than most people in his life. I know when he's happy, when he's angry and when he just wants to cry. It's just stuff you sort of have to know about your best friend.

Even if your best friend is the most stubborn person on the planet.

At first, it was extremely frustrating.

Trying to get information out of him when he was in a weird mood. He doesn't like to show weakness. Never been sure if it's just a guy thing or just Pat. But at times I get frustrated with him and how he doesn't let me in.

Showing that he cared was something that he could never do if his life depended on it. Frankly, it was beneath him.

I was hoping for us to hangout soon when we both had nothing on. Usually it was so much easier which was also making me frustrated. Most of the time I could text him and almost straight away he could give me an answer. We could hangout without so much organisation.

Now I couldn't even ask him to hangout because he would have to sort it out with Lily. Or he would be busy with something else. He was my best friend. Mine. Now I couldn't even hangout with him when I needed to talk to him.

Besides my constant doubts about my strong friendship with Pat, I was going to have a good day. I was spending it with my mum and we were going shopping.

Because Josh lived in Sydney, I was the only child my parents got the chance to see often. So I made a promise to always spend time with my mum when I had time. I loved spending time with my mum and I used her advice more than anyone else's. She always knows how to cheer me up when I'm down about something. Mums just know. They just do.

I knew she could help me figure out what I needed to. Regarding Darcy, Pat and general things that I might have confusion about.

I had already gotten dressed for the day so I was on my way to pick up my mum. I drove down the busy streets, filled with families doing Sunday activities. Sunday's were always so busy in Melbourne. It wasn't our best day to go shopping but it was the only day that we were both available.

When I got to mums house, I put the car in park and honked the horn. I waited a few minutes before she eventually came out looking flushed.

"Morning sweetie" she said as she climbed in.

"Morning" I replied and pulled out of the driveway.

When we got to the shops, it took us a solid 10 minutes to find a park. We finally did and it was good one. Close by so Mum didn't have to walk far. We then both got out of the car and headed towards the shops.

"So, What happened with Patrick at the barbecue?" Mum asked me.

"He was upset that I didn't tell him about the photo shoot or the front cover" I explained.

"Well that's fair enough, why didn't you tell him Georgia" Mum said sternly. I looked at her confused.

"Because he's always with Lily and you know how I feel about her. We just haven't had time to catch up that often and I didn't really think he wanted to know" I told her.

"Well, Lily doesn't look like she is going away anytime soon so you will have to deal with that. But Georgia, Patrick will always care about anything that is going on in your life, you know that" mum said.

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