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Georgia's POV

Ever since I got out of the hospital I had been looking forward to this day. It was going to be a day all about Pat and everything he had been dreaming of since we were kids.

I still remember growing up with Pat and how every month or so we would come together and explain our dreams and aspirations for life.

Mine constantly changed. From being a hairdresser, to zoo keeper, to primary school teacher. All the classics of any young girl. Obviously I evolved and found my passion for teaching.

But Pat never changed. Not even for a second. Every time he would tell me the same thing. That he wanted to a professional football player. He was never the brightest at school and always wanted to get out.

Because all he wanted to do was play footy and now I was so proud of him to be watching him achieve his goal. First it was getting drafted, then playing one game. Now he was playing his 100th and captaining a great club.

I couldn't put into words how proud of him I was. It was an undeniable amount of love and passion we shared for each other and watching each other be happy. He had done that for me and it honestly made me feel so accomplished being able to cheer him on as he ran out for his game.

I never thought the two of us would get to where we were. 6 months ago, we were both in toxic relationships. Ones that took everything out of us.

Now six months on, we had come so far as friends. We had learnt more about ourselves in half a year than in our entire life's. It was just a relief to be through that time in my life.

Anything is possible when you have the right people supporting you. And having Pat by my side through the whole thing truely helped me cope.

And I knew I did the same for him. It was just the best thing that had ever happened to me.

With a smile on my face, I hopped out of bed and started getting ready for the day.

Before the highly anticipated match, I was taking Pat out for breakfast with both dogs. It was a bit of a game day ritual we had formed through the years.

It always helped Pat to clear his mind before a game and especially today when there would be so much attention on him and his career so far.

Once I had gotten completely dressed, I walked out of my room and grabbed Billie and her lead and headed out the door. I gave a quick hello to Tash and Grace who were just waking up.

I hopped in my car and drove out of the garage and off to the park.

When I got there, I saw Pat and Ron straight away. They stood in the middle of an area of grass. Pat looked down at his phone, glued to whatever was on the screen as Ron tried to pull away at any dog that walked past.

I got out of the car with Billie and started walking him towards Pat. I looked around at the park that we had come to cherish. Everything about it making us favourite it for our weekly walks.

The park covered a wide area that could fit about three small houses. It was hilly with a tall tree or two near one hill. There were benches for people to sit in every corner and jogging tracks were all around the edges of the park.

The west corner had some swings too on which many children used to come and play. Flower hedges and bushes grew all around.

It was quite a friendly park. There were lots of families having little morning picnics. I loved seeing families playing around together with their dogs. It was everything I dreamed of having one day. Hopefully in the near future.

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