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Patrick's POV

The waiting room drove me crazy. I had been sitting there in the same chair for hours. Just waiting until they would let someone else other than her family in to see her.

My parents went home to change and do some stuff but they assured me they would come back.

It was nice for all of us to stick together in such a horrible time.

They tried to get me to come with them, so I could have a proper nights sleep. But I refused.

I wasn't going anywhere. I was going to sit in that waiting room until it killed me. Until I was able to see her awake.

Her parents and Josh had been filling us in every hour. She hadn't woken up yet. It was taking a lot longer than I had expected and I was getting frustrated.

She was supposed to wake up hours ago. She had to wake up. The doctors said it was normal for some patients to take longer. But this wasn't just any other patient.

She had to wake up. And I had to be there when she did.

I continued to wait in the chair but I got too restless. I decided to walk to get some coffees for everyone when they got back from being at home.

I walked out of the hospital doors and strolled down the streets to the local cafe.

I got everyone's preferred coffee orders and headed back with my hands full.

When I walked back into the waiting room, I saw my family waiting there patiently as they had returned.

They all looked a bit nervous as I walked up to them with the coffees.

"There you are. You left without saying anything" Mum said standing up from her seat.

"I just went to get coffees. What's the big deal" I asked.

"She's awake Pat" Mum told me.

I stared at them, barely moving a muscle in my face.

"What?" I spoke up.

I was almost in shock. I could finally feel fully relieved that she had woken up.

"She's awake. Josh said we can go see her soon" Mum told me.

"We can see her?" I asked as I started to feel weak.

"You guys ready?" I heard Josh say from behind me. I turned around to see him standing there with a smile.

I could tell how excited he was that she was awake and functioning.

The five of us followed Josh down the halls of the busy hospital. Doctors waved and said hello to Josh. That's how long we had been here and how many times they had seen us around.

We reached the door of her room. Her room. The room where she was laying. Awake. Alive. My best friend of 20 years.

I started to get nervous. Anxious even.

I wasn't sure how she would react to my appearance. The last thing I said to her was "I never want to see you again". Now I've showed up at her bedside.

It wouldn't be fair to assume I would have her forgiveness. Because what I did was so far fetched.

When Josh put his hand on the door handle, I took one deep breath in and waited until everyone else had walked in before following behind them.

Everyone crowded around the bed. I couldn't yet see her until I walked closer. Someone moved out of the way and there was a gap.

A gap where she could see me and I could see her. My body stood still along with my eyes. She looked around at everyone with a smile.

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