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Georgia's POV

As I woke up, I was still reeling from the events of last night. The negative thoughts I had about what had happened hadn't crept away.

They were still in the front of my mind. Telling me everything that went wrong in our conversation.

A knock on the front door gave me the awakening I needed to get out of bed.

I walked out of the bedroom and to front door.

I opened the door dreading coming face to face with the person behind it.

As I stood close to the open door, I was met with a sympathetic look from Pat, of course he was here.

I sighed in frustrations which only further developed the look of sympathy.

It was so awkward between us. Usually whenever I saw him I would run up and give him a hug. But there were new restrictions with this sort of thing.

"Georgia please talk to me" he said as he let himself inside.

I gestured my head towards another room for us to talk. I walked in the room with Pat following behind me.

I walked into the lounge room room and turned around to Pat who was standing behind me.

"Look Georgia, I don't like the way we ended our conversation last night. We really need to talk about what happened" he said frustratedly.

"I don't think there is much to talk about to be honest Pat" I told him.

"Please George" he pleaded.

"I think that we are great as best friends Pat. We had our feelings but that was high school. We both have different lives now and you have a girl that you love very much and that's what you need to focus on" I told him.

"Thank you Georgia" he said.

"I love you and I know what you need in your life and you need to focus on Lily because you guys are so good together" I lied..

"I love you too" he replied. He then gave me a hug and we both walked back out of the room.

"I've invited all the guys to come out for dinner tonight. Do you think you can make it?" He asked as he walked out.

"Yeah I think I can, just text me the details" I told him.

"Okay great, I'll see you there" he said.

"Bye Pat" I replied. He then walked out the door and I shut it behind him. I sighed as I turned around and walked back into the lounge room.

I was already dreading the dinner that I knew nothing about.

Another event where I would have to put up with Lily in my face constantly telling me to stay away.


I was on my way to the dreadful dinner that Pat had organised.

The only person I was going to have there was Marcus and maybe a few Carlton boys. The rest were irrelevant to me.

Another reason for me to dread the dinner was that I get sick of their cheesy relationship crap.

They are one of those couples who makes every single person around them feel like shit with their romance.

I wasn't single, but it sure felt like it.

They used to make a big deal out of every trip they went on. If they ever went on a holiday, they would announce it at something like this.

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