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Pat's POV

The middle of the year arrived, and so did the bye. Only days from now I would be in sunny Northampton, living it up on the farm for a few days.

The boys were scheduled to play the Dockers tonight, in the round just before the bye. The perfect time for a little getaway. One that Georgia and I were taking together.

It wasn't a very romantic setting. Farm smells and all. As well as my brother and parents lurking around, but it was a break. One she so desperately needed.

Work had been swamping her. She was flat out almost everyday, the weekend being her only time off. She needed this break as much as I did. So I insisted she used some of her long service leave to come over to WA with me.

An entirely familiar place for the two of us. Both having grown up here. It would feel surreal to return to the place we fell in love with each other, now knowing that we were in fact in love with each other.

I looked forward to the time away with her. Not only that, but also the prospect of playing Fremantle at Optus stadium, a ground so special for the current list, who have partaken in some special memories there.

And we were hoping to make at least one more on this trip.

It was the middle of the season. A time to revaluate if necessary. We were in a comfortable position at the centre point. Multiple wins under our belt, and feeling confident heading into the closing portion of the year.

So as the first bounce approached, the typical pre game nerves started to creep up on me. I warmed up in the away team rooms of this magnificent stadium. Stretching anything and everything which needed attention.

Typically, I chose not to listen to music before and during running out to warm up. I preferred to soak up the atmosphere of the crowd, as it always brought me the motivation I needed.

I ran up the race alone this time, with most of the boys already out there, I bounced the ball a couple of times up the race. Ensuring not to drop it and make a fool out of myself.

When I got to the top of the race, I noticed a few eager fans hanging scarves and jumpers over the railing. I acknowledged them and walked over, taking a few photos and doing some signatures.

Then it was finally time to warmup.

I ran out to the 50 metre arch, choosing to work on my goal kicking as there was a chance I would be going up forward. Going through my routine each time, I took a few shots which easily sliced down the middle.

Then, as I walked back for my final kick, I ran into SOS who was just about to take a shot of his own.

Jack walked steadily and dropped the ball easily on his boot. The two of us watched as it glided through the air between the 2 big posts.

He then retreated back, coming back over to where I was standing so we could stretch together.

I latched onto his opposing arm as we leaned back in our first stretch.

"How are you feeling?" He asked sincerely.

"Feeling alright. You?" I answered as we adjusted our positioning.

"Yeah not bad. You excited to have the family here?" He questioned, gesturing to the crowd.

"Extremely. Plus George is here, so I'm really looking forward to it" I explained to him, not being able to control the smile that appeared on my face.

An upward curve of the mouth, teeth showing and everything. Even my eyes told the story. Whenever I talked about her, I couldn't help but look this way.

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