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Georgia's POV

Now, looking back on it all, I highly recommend falling in love with your best friend. Develop that friendship first before jumping in to anything.

If I were to talk to someone who one day realises they have feelings for their best friend, I would tell them this.

I would tell them to allow yourself to fall in love with your best friend. With the person who makes you laugh the most. With the person who makes you smile even when you don't want to. And the person who makes ordinary days feel extraordinary.

Fall in love with the person who's seen you at your worst. With the person you're okay to not be okay around. With the person who understands your hurt and wants to heal it. And the person who has stood by your side through hell and back.

People tell you not to fall for someone close to you, that it's messy, risky and heartbreaking, but the truth is they're the ones who will love you the deepest — because they have already proved that they care, that they will be there for you even without the strings attached.

So go for it. Jump in blindly, even though it's scary, even though there's a chance that everything will go wrong. Being afraid to lose them is how you know it's worth fighting for.

Because if things go right, it will be the best relationship you've ever had, and you'll finally understand what it means to have a forever person.

Fall in love with your best friend, because no one will love you like someone who already knows how to.

And I would also tell them to do so many things differently. Although I am happy with the journey we took to get to this point. I admit, I don't believe others should have to experience that too.

Of course it was worth it. And now I get to look back and laugh about it all. Knowing in the end, it all worked out for us the way it should have.

It had been a treacherous adventure. One with many highs and lows which tugged us back. Stopping us from getting to where we are now.

We were finally together. I was finally in a relationship which made me feel worthy. A pairing I never saw coming to life. It was always just a dream.

Although it wasn't just a dream anymore.

The love we have for each other spills out of our chest and collects itself. In the little cracks and corners that we visit. There is too much of it to only fit in our hands.

It is an energy, a frequency, a vibration that radiates and is shared. A glow that lingers around us and follows us everywhere we go. The kind of thing that you cannot look away from.

I hope for others in the darkest parts of their lives, that they get to experience this same feeling. For the people who didn't think they were loveable.

Something like this is possible for everyone. It's not just a dream that feels out of reach. We are the living proof of that.

When I'm old, I hope to see young people this deep in delirious, first love. I hope to stumble upon two people who share the same infatuation and first looks.

I hope to see two people interacting for the first time after they've told each other how deeply and irrevocably they've fallen into each other. As they radiate that palpable, hypnotic frequency beaming out of them.

It will be like looking into a mirror and seeing myself decades ago, when I got to experience these firsts with him. When we so willingly and unreservedly gave our hearts to each other. The sweetest memories will awake from their slumber and we will relive that rush.

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