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Georgia's POV

"I'm sorry this happened to us Georgia. You didn't need this drama" Pat told me as we sat on the couch in each other's arms.

"It's not your fault at all Pat. I'm sorry about you and Lily" I said, sniffling again and again.

"Yeah well..." he said looking down at his fingers as he played with them.

I could tell how genuinely upset he was and it broke me even more. All the sacrifices I had made just to see him happy and now we were stuck in this position.

All I ever wanted was for him to be happy. And if that meant with her than that's what was going to happen. That's why I did everything I did. I did it all for him.

Seeing Pat happy made me happy but now we were both heart broken.

I was stopping him from leaving Lily. By hiding all the things she did to me, and by pretending I didn't love him. I let him love her while I sat back and watched. And now it came back to bite me.

I questioned whether I should tell him how I feel. Not in this moment obviously. But in the future. He was single now, maybe it was soon time for me to put myself out there.

I thought about it some more as I sat in his arms.

We both sat on the couch embracing and comforting each other after the pain we had just endured.


"Lily?" Pat asked as he finally spoke up from his silence to look at her.

"I'm so so sorry Pat" she said as she came over and tried to touch him.

"That means nothing" he said sternly as he stepped back from her and held his hand close to his chest.

"Please Pat! I love you" She said trying to convince him of her apology.

"You don't love me Lily, that's pretty clear" he said.

"That's not true" she said desperately.

"Just.....leave" he said.

"Pat..." She said as a last chance of hope.

"Leave!" He yelled. She began crying and ran off to her car, got in and drove away.

"You need to leave too Darcy" I said to Darcy.

"But Georg-" he said.

"Just...go" I said as I felt tears fall. I tasted the bitter taste of salt in my mouth. The tears hadn't stopped since I walked into my bedroom to see what they did.

Darcy got in his car as he put his shirt on. He slammed the door harshly which made me flinch.

Pat took that as a sign and wrapped his arm around me from the side. My face scrunched up crying the more deeply I thought about it.

He got in and drove off in a flash. I watched him leaving knowing that was my first love, gone forever.

I took a deep breath and sigh and crouched down with my hands over my eyes. I needed a moment to compose myself before standing back up.

I stood back up and wiped the tears away once more.

"How about we go inside" Pat suggested.

"Okay" I said. He wrapped his arm around me again as we walked up to the house


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