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Georgia's POV

Today was the day I finally got to leave the hospital. After a full month and a half of recovery, I was finally able to go home.

My leg fracture was all healed as well as my arm. And my pelvis was completely healed, I was going to have a full range of mobility again. It would just take some more time. But I had never felt so grateful to be able to move. At least a little bit.

Pat had been by my side for the whole ride. Experiencing every up and down that a car accident had to throw at us. Him being there with me meant the world to me.

Knowing how much he was sacrificing just to make sure I didn't feel alone.

I sat on the edge of my bed, in my own clothes as I packed some stuff into my bag, preparing to leave any minute now.

That's when Pat walked in, gently knocking on the open door and looking at me excitedly.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yep" I replied with a grin.

He walked over and helped me up from my seat. I took a second to remain balanced before I started walking out the door.

Before we left, I turned around and took one last look at the room. The place that reminded me of so many horrible things.

Things that I would never ever want to remember about this part of my life. But it also reminded me of all the good things that happened.

Like the beautiful nurses and doctors who helped me be able to live the life I had before.

My friends and family who stuck by me and kept me entertained while I was stuck in the hospital bed.

And it would always remind me of the time Pat and I went back to normal. Where I was finally able to forgive him and have the most important relationship back the way it is supposed to be.

I walked close to Pat as he lugged my bags around the halls of the hospital for one last time. We walked all the way to the front of the hospital where I was finally released.

Pat's car had been pulled out the front and was just waiting for me to get in it.

I waved goodbye to the nurse who helped us leave and then walked along the path to where I knew the car was.

Pat put my bags in the back of the car. He then walked around to help me get in.

Gazing straight ahead, I was only half-aware of a world outside. The only thing I was thinking about was that car.

Adrenaline floods my system, It pumps and beats like it's trying to escape. I think my heart will explode and my eyes are wide with fear.

My body wants to either run fast for the safety of the hills or to the crate of weaponry, but instead I remain where I am.

Let's face it, there is really only one thing I can do: I can get in the car and pretend I'm fine. Or I could stand there looking terrified until Pat realised something was wrong.

The fear is nothing more than an obstacle that stands in the way of my progress.

I keep telling myself it's just a car. It won't hurt me, I will be fine if I get in and sit in the passengers seat. But my mind is in fits. Not letting me move, thinking of every memory I had of that day.

That was one of the worst parts of my accident. That I could still remember every event up until the moment I fell unconscious. It wasn't all magically wiped from my memory like I would have preferred.

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