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Georgia's POV

I stepped into the shower, toes flinching as they touched the chilled ceramic floor. My mind was in shreds; about Darcy, about Pat, the game the other day and what I had to do tonight.

I turned the dial, old and metallic, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening my hair and trickled down my back. My eyes fell closed over and over. The water poured down, it dripped by my side, as my mind faded into dullness and everything was a foggy illusion. The sensation of the steamy water calmed me; it took my mind of things. All the things I honestly didn't have enough energy to care about. It was the water. My mind swirled, and it was like I was standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last, I know that now.

I heard a door shut from outside the bathroom and took that as a sign to get out and start my day. I wrapped my towel around me trying to capture as much of the left over warmth as I could. I made sure my legs had no droplets left on them and opened my bathroom door to lead me back to my room. I walked back into my room to see my boyfriend, Darcy Parish lying on the bed on his phone. I didn't expect to see him so it gave me quite a fright. I did hear the door but I thought it could have been Tash or Grace.

"Jesus Darcy, you scared me" I said as hit my hand to my heart.

"Sorry George, just got back from my run" he said as he got up off the bed and kissed my lips gently. "What are your plans for today babe?" He asked as he sat back on the bed.

"Nothing much today but I'm going out with Pat, Marcus, Tash, Grace and all their partners. It's tonight so do you want to come?" I asked him.

"Yeah for sure, sounds fun" he replied.

I know what you're thinking. I always talk down about Darcy and here he is right now. He is acting like the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. This was just what he did when I mentioned Pat. Darcy has told me many times before how he doesn't like Pat and yet whenever he is around him, he does nothing but try and be exactly like him.

Patrick Cripps was a big name to live up to and I think Darcy knew that. Pat and I's history might be putting a lot of pressure on Darcy's shoulders. Maybe that's something I didn't see till now but it wasn't something that excused him from his previous actions.

Lately I felt uncomfortable in my relationship with Darcy. Sometimes I sat and thought about why I was still with him. I wasn't sure if I still loved Darcy but I did know I had to figure it out before I let myself go.

The one thing I promise myself when entering a relationship is that I won't lose who I am. I don't want to change myself just because of the person I am with. I would never change for someone else.

I got dressed into some leggings with a comfy jumper until I had to get ready for tonight. I walked out into the lounge room. Darcy was making a smoothie in the kitchen while Grace and Tash sat on the couch. I walked over to the couch and sat next to them.

"How's Parish?" Tash asked me.

"Good I guess, he's coming tonight" I told them.

"Great." Grace said sarcastically.

"What time is the reservation for?" I asked them.

"7:00" Tash told me.

"Okay, should we all go together?" I asked them.

"Yep, be ready at 6:45" Grace said.

"Okay mum" Tash replies under her breath.

"I heard that" Grace yelled as she walked towards her room. Tash and I laughed as Grace gave us attitude as she walked away. Tash and I then switched on the tv and watched a recording of friends.

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