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Georgia's POV

There were always going to be things that Pat and I disagreed on. That's just what friends did. We had a fight and that was okay. It was alright to fight with people you cared about.

It took me a while to forgive him for his mistake, and all of the things he said. They hurt a lot. But eventually I had gotten past it.

I just wanted my best friend back. For us to be normal again. No complications. All I could ask was that we were friends again.

If that meant I had to continue to hide my love for him, then that's what I would have to do.

Telling him would be a mistake. It would ruin all that we had fixed over the past month. And who knows if he would feel the same way.

It was a gamble that I wasn't willing to take at this point in my life. I finally felt like Pat and I were free from all the drama.

The fights had been causing me too much stress, I don't think I could handle another one. So I decided it was best to bite my tongue and not say anything.

As for the day ahead, I had the day off. No school for me. Luckily enough, it was Pat's day off too.

He was coming over and we were going to go to the park as usual. Kicking the footy with him was something I had come to enjoy. Even though I used to hate it, he changed my mind.

Then later in the day, I was having dinner with family. Just the 4 of us at my parents house. The rate occasion that I always looked forward to. Especially seeing my big brother again.

He had come back to Melbourne for another game. I had never been more thankful for the amount of times the Giants had been playing in Melbourne.

Pat's family were all in Melbourne too. But I would see them another time. They were having they're own family time.

I started getting ready for the day with Pat when I heard him open the front door. I hurried as much as I could to be ready.

I was excited to be spending time with him. We hadn't really done much just the two of us recently. There was always another person there. Or something that stopped us.

I was glad to have that alone time with him to get back to where we were before everything went down.

I think it was important to spend time with him without anyone else around. Reminding me of all the good memories we had together. Helping me look past all the bad ones.

It was interesting to look back on. I never saw any of those things ever happening to me, but they did.

Now it could only make me stronger, more determined to achieve the things I wanted in my life.

I scurried around my room, gathering all of my stuff together before running out to the lounge room where Pat was patiently waiting for me.

He instantly looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine. The draw between each other was something that never faded.

But the more times I greeted him, the harder it became to look into his eyes.

Knowing I would never be with him was a hard pill to swallow. There was nothing I would want more.

It was just hard to let go. But I knew it was for the right reasons. If it didn't go the way I wanted it to, and I could prevent myself from feeling that pain, then that's what I had to do.

"Just letting yourself in nowadays?" I joked with him, walking over and greeting him.

"Well I thought if I was going to wait for you, I may as well wait in here" he replied, giving me a smile.

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