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Georgia's POV

The world convinced me that love was beautiful. That the intoxicated high of falling in love was worth it.

I entered a world of romance novels, rom-coms, love songs and spider-man movies. All things which made me think I would find my 'soulmate'.

I wasn't supposed to believe in that stuff. Growing up I never did.

And then I met him. He was wild and boyish. When he laughed a smile enveloped his face, and the corners of his eyes crinkled. He had this infectious spirit and a way with words.

He could always captivate people on the silliest things. He enthralled me, I had never met a soul quite like him. It was fate, the chance that our two distinct paths would merge into one.

The two of us were inseparable since the moment we became friends. I thought no matter what happened in each of our lives, we would always be friends. Until right now.

Our undying friendship was suddenly ending? Was it ending? In my mind it was. Who knows where his head was at. It had to be ending. How could I let it go on like this?

I hated myself that I let it get to this point. I hated now that I had to wonder what he was thinking, but couldn't ask. We used to just tell each other everything. Times had obviously changed.

Getting over him is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The pain and tears I spent on him were well worth it, but I also looked forward to a life without the toxicity. Without the fighting, crying, then making up. If this was goodbye, maybe it's for the best. I needed a break.

I tried to convince myself that I could manage without him, but I was lying to myself. I have no idea who am I without him. Before I knew him, I didn't know me.

When I met him, I found me. I found a me I liked. I found a me I wanted to be.

And now that he hasn't been around to inspire that same me, she's gone. I am broken without him.

It's hard to look back on the memories we shared and let them fade to dust. Knowing that from my point of view, there was nothing in this world I wouldn't do to be with him.

Maybe it was time for me to say goodbye to the times we shared. Even if it was hard to say that word, even if he didn't agree, even if he thought I was out of my mind, it had to be done. I couldn't go on, not like this.

Not seeing with her, as they slowly fell for each other. I didn't want to constantly be thinking, that should be me.

For the first time in a long time, I was putting myself first.

It wasn't my job anymore to try and fix everything that went wrong between us. It never was. But I did it anyway, only because I cared so much about everything being perfect. I was done trying to do that.

Just like this party. As it continued to go on, I wanted to leave so badly. But Marcus and I kept talking in that isolated bedroom as I hashed out all my unopened feelings. All he did was listen and nod assuringly, but it's what I needed.

It felt like hours had passed in that room when it had only been minutes. After all that time, still no one had even come down the hall, maybe it really was the most secluded room in the house? I hoped that was true.

It wasn't. Classic me, I always thought too soon. So as the door opened wide, I wasn't surprised.

I was in fact surprised by a tipsy Pat standing there, with his arms wrapped around her. Their hands entangled in one another as they entered in a rush.

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