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Pat's POV

Being protective of Georgia was important to me. And I knew at times she didn't like it much, but deep down we both knew it was necessary.

After everything George had been put through, she needed a person that was constantly there if she needed someone. And I felt like I was that perfect person for the job.

I cared too much about her to let something bad happen to her. She had lived through so much shit. People constantly treated her like crap, even me and it was completely uncalled for.

Because she was the best person you could ever dream of meeting. Everything she did, she did for the people she loved and I knew returning the favour was the only thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I wanted to make her happy, no matter what. It's all I wanted to do. Because making her happy made me happy.

I hadn't been the friend she deserved in the past. So now I was making sure everything I did, I thought about her and tried my best to do everything to prevent her from hurting.

Every day you have to make choices that ensure the thing you love continues to thrive. So if you find a way of life that is good for you, you do whatever it takes to keep going like that. And with George, we had finally found a way that works for our friendship.

So that if something unexpected were to happen, we don't drift off and become distant from each other.

I didn't want that to happen again, so I've learned to take steps to guard against my own weaknesses. Where much is given, much is required. If you love something, you have to protect it.

That's why I was so protective of Georgia. Almost like another older brother figure. Except for that fact that I was completely in love with her.

But that was a different story.

That is also why I made sure before she left for her night out, that she knew I was just a phone call away if she needed me. And if something happened, that I would be right there to help her.

Since then, I had been anxiously awaiting a call from my couch at home. Her call could mean bad, but I just wanted to hear the sound of her voice. To know she was okay.

I sat on my couch, ready to go to sleep as my eyes were being forced shut.

I was finding myself becoming restless as I sat and waited. I couldn't seem to relax and take a deep breath. All I wanted to do was call her and find out where she was and if she was okay.

Ever since her accident, my biggest fear was losing her. Because if things had gone the other way that day, and she had disappeared out of my life for good, I wouldn't be able to live the same.

Without her my life merely had no purpose. Because I truely believed my purpose was to make her happy. And to keep her safe and that's all I wanted to do.

I glanced at my bedside clock to see the time had reached 1:30am. My worries became more significant as the minutes ticked by.

I checked my phone that was sitting on my lap almost every minute. Expecting a call or a message from Georgia. I just wanted to know if she had gotten home safely.

Whenever she went out, she really had no one to contact to we decided a long time ago that we would always be each other's emergency contact.

I realised that I couldn't sit and wait around any longer. If you can't sleep, then get up and do something instead of lying there worrying.

Worrying is a waste of time. I was better off distracting myself until she finally answered one of my calls or texts.

I walked down the halls of the empty house, hoping that with enough time going by, the 3 of them would walk through the door.

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