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Georgia's POV

We had been in Bali for about 8 days and now, we were finally heading home. We had our bags all packed and ready to go to the airport.

We just had to wait for a car to come and take us to the airport. In the mean time, we sat on the couch and talked.

I was already feeling rejuvenated being away for such a short time. Not having to worry about everyone else around me was a relaxing change.

I knew I needed to change the way I went about it but it wouldn't happen overnight. I needed to put more focus on me and my mental health.

The girls got it across to me that I needed to stop worrying about everyone else around me.

I had so much free time on this trip that I really had time to think. Time to think about everything I seem to ignore most of the time.

I got my head back to the space I wanted it and I was heading home in a better state. I got everything I set out to achieve when coming here.

I was utterly grateful for the girls for coming with me.

"I really appreciate you girls coming with me on this trip" I told them.

"We know how much it meant to you" Grace said.

"Thanks for organising it, this should become a regular thing" Tash said.

Grace and I laughed but also agreed. I wouldn't be complaining doing this more than once.

When then heard the car pull up so we walked out of the villa to put our bags in the car. We all got in the car and drove to the airport.

The drive was pretty long so I just looked out the window the whole time thinking about what to do when we got back.

When we got to the airport, we wheeled our bags to the check in and checked them quickly and went to the gate.

It was a pretty smooth check in process compared to what I had experienced before.

We sat at the gate for 30 minutes and watched it fill up with a lot of tourists flying back to Melbourne. We had some lunch together outside the gate at a cafe.

Then we made our way back to the gate where everyone was boarding the plane. I gave the flight attendant my passport and ticket and they let me through.

I waited for Tash and Grace before we all walked down the ramp together and onto the plane.

I sat in the window seat with the girls next to me. The plane was kind of small with a 3 seats on each side of the aisle.

I unpacked some stuff out of my bag and put it all in the pocket in front of me. I then slipped the bag under the seat. I

picked up my phone because I was very superstitious about having it off for takeoff. I was about to turn it off when I saw a text I just received from Pat.

I smiled at the text because I was glad we were back to normal again. Even after the awkward phone call from the other day. We were all good and on good terms so I was trying not to start anything that could disrupt it.

I turned my phone off after that and put it in the pocket. I sat back in my seat and relaxed. I was ready to go home and see everyone again. The holiday was nice but I missed my family, Pat and Marcus.

I sort of missed Darcy too in a way. It was weird cause he hadn't messaged me at all while I was gone.

Usually he would check in with me and make sure I was all good. It really made sense now though. That I shouldn't expect anything more from Darcy in terms of effort.

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