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Patrick's POV

I couldn't have felt any better about how the whole conversation went with Georgia. It had already been a few days since then. But I could tell we were on the same page.

We were both over the moon to be moving on and forgetting everything bad that had ever happened to us.

The most important part though, was that she had forgiven me. It was the best feeling in the world.

To finally have my best friend back in my life was the biggest relief I had ever experienced. All that heavy weight I was dragging around the hospital was suddenly gone.

Since then, I had been home to shower and get more clothes. I would go to training and then come spend the night with Georgia.

Sadly she was forcing me to sleep at home but I knew it's because she only wanted the best for me. And sleeping in my own bed was much better for me and my health. And if it helped George be more calm, then I was helping and all I wanted to do was help her.

I had been trying my hardest to help her as best I could. I help her do her daily walks and physio therapy so she can be released from hospital sooner rather than later.

Now that we had cleared everything up, my whole life was clear and exactly the way I wanted it to be. I had no worries whatsoever. But whenever I did, it didn't last long so I was trying my hardest not to jinx it.

I sat next to George as she slept peacefully on her side. Her body turned to face me, I watched as her chest rose and fell with the sound of her breaths.

She curled up in the thin hospital bed covered in lots of blankets that covered her tiny frame.

I couldn't help but stare deeply at her. Admiring every aspect of her that I could see. Everything she hated about herself, I loved.

I continued sitting there as she tossed and turned in her sleep. Until the minute where she opened her eyes slowly and stretched her arms above her head.

Then I diverted my eyes back to my phone, pretending not to notice she had woken up.

"Good morning" she said to me.

"Morning George" I replied as I stood up and gave her a hug.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"Getting a few things from home. Do you want a coffee?" I asked nicely.

"Yeah that would be great. Thanks Pat" she responded.

I walked out the door and shut it quietly so she could wake up properly without loud interruptions.

I went down the street on my usual track to the cafe down the road.

People were lining up put the doors of most the cafes up that street. The buzz of the large groups of people echoed through the old Melbourne alleyways.

I strolled with a smile on my face, knowing what I was doing and who I was doing it for. I hadn't been able to wipe the smile off my face since the moment she came back to me.

I quickly grabbed the coffees and something for her to eat and headed back so that she wasn't alone for too long.

When I walked back in her room, Josh and Daniel had already arrived and were sitting with her to keep her company.

Playing as many board games as the two families had combined. She wasn't getting sick of their company which really demonstrated just how bored she was.

To be fair, sitting in a hospital bed for over a month didn't sound like much fun to me either. But I wanted to make it the most interesting I could.

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