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Georgia's POV

Sleeping peacefully in my bed, I cradled a pillow to my chest.

The sun was beaming through the blinds causing me to stir, entirely unimpressed with this early wakeup.

Usually, waking up was a simple task. I had always been a morning person after all. But this morning I was extra tired, and had allowed myself extra time to sleep in to have a lazy morning. All of which had been ruined.

I groaned when the first beam of sunlight hit my face, causing me to roll over in a huff.

Sadly, now I was awake for good. For me, there was no falling back asleep. Once I was up, I was up.

Propping myself up in my bed to reach for my phone, Billie jumped up off the floor to come and join me. I slowly realised that maybe early mornings weren't so bad after all, although it wasn't ideal.

Besides her and I, the house was silent. Feeling like a more tranquil environment than I was used to. I began to notice the silence as a good thing as opposed to bad.

Usually I was getting out of bed in a rush, having slept through my alarm. Then rushing off to work so I wasn't late. This was different.

I had nothing planned for the morning. So I decided to enjoy the alone time before I was in Pat's company. I couldn't help but feel excited at the thought of seeing him.

We had only been apart for a day and I already yearned to be near him. All I wanted to do was be with him. It's when I am at my happiest, in his presence.

The two of us decided pretty early on that we intended on taking it slow. Even though we had known each other long enough, and there would be no 'getting to know you' phase. I still I felt it was important not to rush.

We had our whole lives to spend with one another. So my thought process was, why rush into commitment straight away? I was pretty happy with the position we were in.

It had only been a few days since I cancelled my move to Sydney. Having to unpack all of my boxes and placing it all back where it belonged. It did feel strange, back tracking on something I was so sure about.

But I couldn't have been more sure about Pat and I. I had never been more sure of anything in my life.

Since that day, it felt like time had rushed by us. But really only 4 days had passed.

Pat had been training a lot, as the season was coming up. And I got back into work, after slotting back in seamlessly. We had busy lives but still made time for each other when we could.

It felt easy so far. Probably because not much had changed. We were just as close as we were before. Except now, we just show that love in a different sort of way. Let's just say I had been enjoying every minute together since that night.

Now for the first time, we were going on a date. Our first date.

Almost as if we were doing this whole dating thing backwards. Fall in love, and then go on your first date.

I had no idea where Pat intended on taking me but I went along without a fuss. I trusted that he knew what he was doing. He made it clear that he wanted to do it all on his own, so I let him have his moment.

All he had told me was a time and what to dress myself in. Something nice, not too fancy but respectable. As for the time, a late evening date is what was to be expected.

Meaning I had the rest of the day to wait it out. Planning what to wear, how to do my hair. I wanted to feel confident. Because my self doubt would inevitably drag me back as it usually does.

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