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Georgia's POV

After confronting him about the fight, Pat and I stayed and talked it out further. Mostly everything that needed to be said got put on the table. Of course I didn't release all of my deepest, heaviest feelings.

It wasn't the time.

But we unleashed the tension which blocked our steady relationship from flowing freely. I felt the relief instantly. Now that it was over, my head was free of the weight dragging it down.

There was so much stress being caused over potentially nothing. All that needed to be done was partaking in a civilised conversation, and as adults, we worked it out.

Now the focus shifted to helping him get back to where he needed to be. Still in pain and hobbling around, I knew it was the best idea to take him to the doctor.

Even though I knew the idea wouldn't pass by him, it was in his best interest and I knew he would do anything to put my mind at ease.

After bringing him breakfast only hours ago, I snuck back down the hall to his nearby bedroom where I pulled open the door to a half hearted smile.

"Hey sorry to disturb you. I just wanted to check how you were" I explained, being careful not to let him know what I planned.

"That's okay. I'm feeling better actually" He told me, rolling over to face me.

"Oh that's great, I'm glad" I answered, feeling relieved that some of the pain had improved overnight. "But I did actually book you in for a doctors appointment for 20 minutes from now. So get up and get ready" I rushed out then backed out of the room and left him to process it.

It was really the only way to get him to comply. He was never going to agree but I gave him no choice.

"Georgia!" He called out, just as I had backed away from the door.

I entered once again in a hurry.

"I'll go, only because you want me to. But afterwards would you be able to take me to the club for a bit. There's a few meetings I promised I would be at" He explained carefully, knowing his persuasive skills would be useful in a time like this.

"Fine. Do you need any help getting ready" I asked cautiously.

"Actually I do" he answered as he carefully lifted himself up.

I rushed to his side, placing both my hands on him gently as we moved in sync to get him on his feet.

Once his legs stretched out to an upright position, I let my hands off of his waist.

Due to the lack of moment in his body over the previous 24 hours, his muscles were stiff and unwilling. So much so that as he stood up, his left leg instantly buckled underneath him.

As soon as it did, my hands shot right back to where they were placed on his waist before. Supporting his figure with my 2 tiny arms.

There was a momentary panic, at the lack of balance between us. He latched onto my bare shoulders for support.

I peered up at him, looking relieved that neither of us had fallen to the floor.

One of his hands moved down to my waist. His icy fingers made me flinch straight away. Freezing cold from the countless hours of his fan blowing air in his direction.

I look back up at him, and he's doing that unfathomable staring thing again.

He adjusts himself, the discomfort from standing was clear on his face.

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