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Georgia's POV


Something I seemed to have had a lot of throughout my life. Bottling them up, refusing to share, not even with those closest to me.

I usually don't like telling people about these mental barriers. Because that's what they are. They are just in my own head, and should be easily fixed.

Me vs me most of the time. As the saying goes, I am my own worst enemy. I tricked myself into thinking Pat and I were better as friends.

It's funny how that happens. How your mind takes something so happy and makes you think otherwise about it.

Why was I ever doubting this 'thing' that I knew was so special. My relationship with Pat was and nothing good came of that.

Until something did.

Finally talking to him about how worried I was, I think was the best decision I had ever made. Not only did I forget all of the stupid insecurities that I was bringing into our relationship, but somehow fell in love all over again.

Not only that night, but everyday that followed. I was seeing him in a different light, one which brought out the best in him.

The past few days had meant a lot. My feelings had grown and I felt closer to him than ever. I guess that happens when you spend almost everyday with one another.

All of his quirks and trademark characteristics which have only recently shone through.

Like the way he glances at me every so often, bashfully looking away once I notice. Those little mannerisms that reiterate his clever charm, one that no other can match. I will never get enough, it's adorable.

But most of all, the way he has the upmost respect for me. The way we can talk for hours on end, staying up all night ranting about our seperate lives. He just gets me. I never thought he understood me as well as he does.

Until we became 'us', I never saw clearly how he stood up for me. And how he knew me like the back of his hand. Our relationship or whatever we chose to call it was stronger than ever right now.

I suppose I have Bella to thank for that. She encouraged me to talk to him, to lay it all out in the open. If it wasn't for her, I would probably still be stuck in my own head.

After speaking to him, and overcoming our first proper hurdle, I had never felt better.

I now know that problems are not the end of the world and they're impossible to avoid. I realise I don't have to be afraid of things not being perfect. Because it's normal.

And with Pat by my side, I was letting my guard down, with no more fears about him breaking my heart.

Individually, him and I are made of mistakes. Our pasts haven't treated us well, but I know our future together will. I'm satisfied with the fact that he might be the only thing I manage to get right in this lifetime.

And I'll be okay with that. Because I finally get to feel something that I never thought I'd deserve.

I could now get back to everyday life, properly this time. There would be no more distractions at work like there were before. No more tuning out in class as I tried to figure out what to do.

Everything that had previously distracted me, had now gone away. Now I was past that, there was so much to look forward to.

Today for instance. A day which I didn't think I would be part of. But staying in Melbourne brought me that opportunity. And I was more than thrilled to grab it and run with it.

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