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Georgia's POV

"Georgia you have to come! It'll be no good if you're not there" I was told by a pacing Marcus.

He was relentless in his efforts. This sudden need for me to attend had risen just over the past hour.

A couple of his bulldogs teammates were throwing a house party close to home. Marcus was obviously going and insisted I came with him.

He looked frantic as he circled the room we were in, waiting for my response.

"I don't know Marcus. I'm not sure if I can do it" I explained to him apologetically.

I could tell they both knew why I was hesitant. That the only thing holding me back was him.

"Of course you can George, Josh and I will help you" Marcus pleaded with me, close to getting on his knees and begging.

"How exactly are you gonna help me?" I questioned him.

"You know, we'll protect you" He suggested, shrugging off my concerns.

"I'm not scared of him Marcus" I replied. I would say anything to get out of this one. It seemed like I could find any reason not to go.

"Then why don't you want to come?" He pestered me once more.

"Just the idea of seeing them together. I don't want to put myself through that" I admitted, not only to them, but to myself.

To see him after over a week of no speaking was enough to make me uncomfortable. But to have to see him and that girl together on top of that, it wasn't my idea of a party.

"He might not even come" Josh mentioned, trying his best to help Marcus in his attempt.

"Not sure if I want to take that chance" I told them both, shaking my head with furrowed brows.

"Please please please George. We need you there" Marcus begged relentlessly.

"Marcus I can't" I shook my head again in disapproval.

"George we won't let anything happen to you" He promised. I knew he wasn't going to give up.

Maybe I was thinking too negatively. Maybe it wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be.

"If I say yes will you leave me alone?" I groaned at him in annoyance.

"Yes I promise" He perked up after I gave in, finally getting the response he was after.

"Okay fine, I'll come" I told them.

"Yes!" He squealed skipping off happily.

"He's right George. It might not be as bad as you think" Josh assured me.

"Come on Josh, you know that's not true. You need to stop trying to protect me from everything" I told him sternly. The two of them had been treading carefully around me for days, I was sick of it.

I was better off being coming to terms with the 'situation' on my own. Instead of having two protectors who try to check on me every second.

The thing with Pat had gotten out of hand. It was never supposed to result in us not speaking, but it did. As much as we all hated it, I wasn't going to be the one to fix it again.

I felt sorry for the boys being put in the middle, but it wasn't my job to chase after Pat every time we had a minor bust up.

"But George-" Josh tried to reason once more, but I shut him down immediately.

"Josh, enough! The sooner we all realise what is going on, the better" I said, wanting to be rid of the negativity surrounding this topic of conversation.

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