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Georgia's POV

Confused was an understatement at the moment. To describe what was going on in my head would be impossible. I had so many emotions going on I wasn't exactly sure what the right way to feel was. My boyfriend had purposely injured my brother right in front of me. It was an overwhelming situation that I happened to be right in the middle of. Some people were saying it wasn't my fault but somehow I kept feeling like it was. Darcy is part of my life, no one else's. I almost felt like it was my responsibility. But I never would have known that he would do something like this. I never knew he could be so aggressive. It was a scary reality that I had to comprehend.

I hadn't spoken to Darcy since before the game and I wasn't exactly excited to. When I saw him, I knew my emotions would get the better of me. He always knows how to get me back to loving him. I couldn't help the way it happened, it's almost like I had no control over it. Even though I knew I did.

As I drove back from my parents house, I thought about what I would say to Darcy. How to handle the situation without it getting out of hand. I couldn't handle anymore confrontation for the week. That's exactly why I slept at my parents house. To avoid Darcy for just a few hours while I had time to think.

I stayed over last night in their spare bedroom. My dad was driving me home because I had no other way to get there. I wasn't planning on doing much today. Besides having a chat with Darcy. I was free as a bird.

When I got home, I said goodbye to dad and hopped out of the car. I saw the cars that were home, Tash's, Grace's and Darcy's. He was home. This was the time that I had to talk to him. I walked inside and saw my 2 best friends sitting on the couch. Billie, my dog ran to me and jumped on me. I pet her head but I had other things that were distracting me. I then heard movement from the kitchen and Darcy came out of the kitchen in his training gear, ready to go. The girls gave me the go ahead look. I looked up at Darcy who was looking at me sympathetically. The girls got up from the couch and walked down the hall to Tash's bedroom. I gestured towards the couch and Darcy and I both closed in on it and placed our selves down.

"So....." He said slowly.

"I just wanna know what was going through your head" I said to him.

"I'm sorry George. I would never purposely hurt someone you cared about. It was just a late hit, I didn't know that he stopped so my momentum kept going" he told me. That was complete bullshit. I watched him with my own eyes, go up to my brother and punch him in the jaw. "I really wouldn't do that" he tried to argue.

"How do I know that. I can't be with someone who has a lot of anger towards my family. My family means everything to me Darcy you know that" I told him.

"And you know me! You know my personality, I'm not a nasty person!" He told me. In that moment, I had to think back to all of the reasons that I fell in love with Darcy. All that was coming to my mind was all the reasons that I wanted to break up with him. I didn't feel good about myself when I was with him and that is something I know I shouldn't feel. I should feel like I can be myself around him and I can't. Sometimes I can....but not with Darcy, with Pat.

I probably shouldn't do this but I often compare my very close friendship with Patrick to my relationship with Darcy. I know deep down that Darcy and I are not meant to be. We never were and never will be. I also know deep down that I'm not a strong enough person to admit what I'm thinking to my long term boyfriend.

"I love you Georgia" He told me and grabbed my hand gently. That was all it took. This was the Darcy I fell in love with and the same Darcy that convinced me to stay together every time we had a fight. He was sweet, kind and gentle. Everything I want in a guy was right in front of me and deep down I knew it was an act but I could never admit it. I gave in, just like I always do.

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