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Pat's POV

Back in the city all I had was a small patch of grass out the back where the dogs ran around. They pretty much ran in circles on it. It was nothing compared to the space big Ron had when he came over.

This farmland, beautiful so long as you have the energy to take car of it all. Which my parents definitely did.

The setting was ever changing. The countryside drifted from night to day. A patchwork of fields over flat ground or rolling hills, with strips of woodland here and there. The sounds of birds whistling in the trees, proudly reciting their morning tunes.

It was home, and I missed it. We both did. I know George loved coming down just as much as I did. There was something about being back which prompted endless amounts of reminiscing.

The streets where I first learnt to ride a bike, and the house which I first knew Georgia to live in. As well as the crops and all the animals, even the jobs which came with them.

I missed it all.

It wasn't some peoples first choice of a home town, but it's what I grew up with. And I couldn't think of anyone who would embrace it more than Georgia did.

Coming down with Lily back then was always a challenge. She never ever participated, hating all things to do with the outdoors. Never even lifting a finger to help out. I laughed as it was for the best that we didn't work out.

I needed someone who didn't mind getting their hands dirty. Someone who like to help, anywhere they could. Someone who didn't care about keeping clean all the time or complain about all of the negatives which came with the dry land.

And I believed I had finally found that person.

We had only been at my Mum and Dad's house for a day, a well enjoyed one at that. We were still high off the recent win, but excited to take a break on the farm.

It hadn't taken long for George to get stuck into it. She was on holiday, so I had no expectation for her to help out with our jobs around the place.

But after a relaxing dinner with the family on our first night, the very next morning she was straight into it.

At the crack of dawn, I had come to notice the empty space beside me.

I got myself up and aimlessly searched around the property. Until I came across her with Josh out the back of the fields, as he taught her all she needed to know about pulling crops.

She used all her force to tug the roots out, placing them in a bucket beside her. The two stood in the middle of the paddock, surrounded by fences which held in sheep on the other side.

I stood from a distance, wanting to watch the two of them bond. As well as watching her try her best at the trade, one she had never done before.

I can't help but admire her for who she is. I know she's way out of my league, and I have to pinch myself everyday because she picked me.

She's generous, never hesitating to drop everything if I need her. She cares about my wellbeing, as well as my opinion. She is the life of the party, and the glue of our friend group.

On top of how incredibly gorgeous she is. All of those reasons are why I fell in love with her in the first place.

I want to thank her, for allowing me to see her bare. Not hiding behind what she thought I wanted to see. Her true, authentic self. Even in flannels she made my heart that little bit quicker.

With her hair thrown up so casually, and her skin being splashed by dirt. She was still just as beautiful.

So I thank her for that. And everything else that she does. Allowing me to understand what I really need out of a partner. I can't believe how lucky I was to have landed her.

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