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Georgia's POV

The villa we had come across for accommodation was a dream. It was the ultimate dream for all three of us. It was one of the most luxurious looking villas in the town that was up for grabs.

The bedroom was was huge and didn't look like a bedroom at all...more like a guest suite fit for a royal.

I felt much too special being able to call this place home for the next week.

We had only been here for a day and we were already star struck at the different experience we were having. This was far better than coming with parents when I was 7.

The bed in our room was larger than king-sized with pure white, cotton sheets. There was a desk, a thirty-six-inch TV with video and DVD players, a sprawling leather sofa, and, on the other side of the floor-to-ceiling windows was his own private terrace.

And the bathroom! As well as the outdoor power shower, there was a bath big enough for a football team, and a Jacuzzi.

Everything in marble and handcrafted tiles. The millionaire suite. I shuddered to think how much it might cost a night.

I woke up in the middle of the bed that I drifted off in last night. Only when I woke up, there was no one else beside me.

Both girls ended last night on either side of me, and yet they are nowhere to be seen.

As I think about where they are, the bedroom door slides open and in they walk in with a tray of food.

"Morning George" Grace said as she came over to the bed and placed the tray down.

"Aww you guys didn't have to do that" I thanked them.

"You deserve as much relaxation on this holiday as possible George" Tash told me.

"I love you guys" I said giving them both a hug.

Could there be anything finer than bed & breakfast in Bali? Warm croissant, homemade jams and fine coffee... The air smelt like every seaside daydream and the pace of life drifts by rather than marching.

I got the girls to join me and we dug into what they prepared.

This is what I needed. Two friends that understood the emotional trauma I was going through.

Friends that were selfless enough to take time off work just to help me relax and distract myself. I was utterly grateful to have friends as high quality as I did.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked them as we finished up eating.

"How about snorkelling?" Grace suggested.

"Sounds perfect" I said excitedly.

We all got up and started getting dressed. Grace called up a place to book it so we were all ready when we got there.

I started choosing what I was going to wear for my first day of vacation. Didn't want to have any slips while snorkelling so it had to be suitable.

As I searched through my suitcase, I heard someone's phone ring so I called the girls names assuming it was on of theirs.

"George that's your phone" Tash said picking it up off the bed.

"Oh sorry. Who is it?" I asked.

"Pat is face timing" she replied. I looked at her holding up the phone to her face and starting to talk to Pat.

"Patrick what a lovely surprise" she said.

"Oh hey Tash. How are y'a?" He asked her.

"I'm good. What are you up to?" She replied.

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