
613 11 137

Patrick's POV

I was bored out of my mind waiting for Lily to finish work and join me at the party.

She had been working all night but she still told me she wanted to come to the party. Most likely to supervise Georgia and I in the same room.

To be the controlling girlfriend I've always known her to be.

I had spent the whole night so far with the boys, who were all mucking around.

Usually I would be one to let loose and have fun at these types of events. But this particular night I wasn't feeling up to it.

I wasn't sure if it was because of the absence of Lily, or the lack of energy in my system. All factors were contributing to my sour mood.

I hadn't seen much of Georgia because she was spending time with the girls. Fair enough, considering I had spent the whole day shopping with her.

I was standing against a wall, thinking to myself. Trying to make the time pass by to the best of my ability.

Tash and Grace approached me, arms linked together.

They were a bit tipsy so I told George earlier that I would look after them so she could enjoy herself.

I sort of wanted to talk to them about Georgia and Darcy.

I didn't have a good feeling about seeing them together and I felt like it was my place to say something. If it was going to protect Georgia from a bad situation, I would do it.

To make sure she didn't get hurt. That was always my main goal.

Before I mentioned anything to Georgia, I thought it would be best to get the girls' take on the situation. I was hoping they would agree with me.

I felt like they knew more about him as he lived in their house. I wanted to know their opinion on if he is good enough for Georgia.

Personally, I didn't think so, but they could have a different opinion

It probably wasn't the best time to talk to them when they were drunk. But I don't get to talk to them too often.

In reality, I barely ever see them, and when I do, Georgia is there. There is never a chance for me to bring up my concerns to her.

"So what do you guys think about Georgia and Darcy?" I asked them hoping for an honest answer.

They looked at each other and giggled subtly. I looked over to Georgia who looked me straight in the eyes as she continued her own conversation.

I gave her a quick smile before quickly looking back when I heard their response to my question.

"They won't last" Tash said rolling her eyes.

"Why do you say that?" I asked, taken back by her answer.

I was certain that their answers would be different than what I wanted them to say.

"Because she isn't in love with him like she is with you" Grace spat out.

I couldn't quite figure out if I heard what she said correctly.

I stared at them in disbelief. Their eyes desperately searched mine...waiting. I wanted to say something, but what was the best way to respond. I searched my mind for something reasonable to say.

But the overriding feeling was confusion.

"What did you just say?" I asked them at a loss for words.

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