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Georgia's POV

I had been to all the recovery groups you could imagine. Trying my best to get through the hardest part of my journey.

All of the groups told me the exact same thing. All about pushing through the hardship in order to achieving a specific goal in the end.

My goal was to go out and do all of the things I did before the crash. But it was easier said than done. And I was definitely taking my time.

Tash and Grace had been patiently waiting for me to go out with them ever since I got home. The way they had respected me and been so incredibly patient with my fragile self made me so grateful to have them.

I knew deep down that I was able to push through it. And it wasn't the fear of ending up in the same situation. It was just that since the accident. The levels of anxiety I experienced had increased dramatically.

My whole positive spirit and energy when with the people I loved had become more negative as time went on. And there was nothing I could do apparently. Besides pushing myself to the absolute limit.

And I was that type of person. I knew that, I always had been that type of person. The one who didn't know when to stop pushing themselves when they didn't have to. That's why I had Tash and Grace by my side tonight to help me through it.

The three of us decided to have a night out, away from Pat and his protective ways for at least a little while. He wasn't extremely happy about it, but we both agreed it had been enough time since the accident.

I was ready to be let go in to the big scary world. Where there were endless opportunities and memories to be made. As long as I trusted my gut. Because in the end, I believed that everything happened for a reason.

And all of the bad things that had happened have made me a better person. There was only so much one person could be put through.

I was hoping after everything I suffered, my bad luck would finally be over and I could start living the life I first dreamed of living.

I was all dressed and set to go. I just needed to take a couple deep breaths as I stood in front of the mirror and saw myself.

I'm feeling excited, but I don't think anyone can tell. It's under the surface and mixed with some anxiety. I'm not used to the combination, it's truly odd.

Happy takes me up and anxious brings me down, so in that combination I'm simply focused on the task at hand. Perhaps it's like that for everyone starting something new, pleasure at gaining forward momentum and fear of the change. It's hard work, but worth it.

That's the downside of knowing things are awry instead of living in blissful ignorance. But what is there to do other than breathe, walk and figure things out just a little at a time?

I walk out into the centre of the house, where Tash and Grace were patiently waiting for me to finish getting ready. And Pat was on the couch with his eyes glued to the tv screen.

"There she is" Tash said and got everyone's attention.

"I'm ready" I said, putting on a smile so they didn't know the extent of how I was feeling.

I walked over to Pat as he stood up from his place on the couch. He towered over me and looked down at me. Anticipating his next move, I stood still waiting for him to say something.

"You okay?" He asked, nodding in understanding of the look on my face.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little nervous" I explained.

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