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Georgia's POV

Being out of hospital had been weird. Not having the obligation of going for a walk everyday was strange. And being able to go and do things on my own was anything but ordinary.

All of the things I had done for the past month and a half, I had completely gotten used to. So not doing them in my daily routine was a weird feeling. But I was already getting used to it.

I had been home for a week already and I was loving it. The lack of attention I was getting was much needed. Everyone had gone back to what they were doing before and focusing on themselves. Exactly the way I wanted it.

I got fed up with the constant need for people at my bed side. Like I was incapable of doing anything, which I pretty much was.

The only person who didn't stop giving me excess amounts of attention was Pat of course. He was always around. Even if I had the smallest issue that I could potential fix myself. He was there.

I knew he cared but if he kept hassling me, I knew I would crack. I appreciated the help and support he was giving me 24/7 but it would become annoying at some point. I just wanted to assure him I was fine before I accidentally snapped.

The week I had spent outside of the hospital was all at home. Besides going to the park for exercise, I hadn't been anywhere else. But it was all changing today.

Today I was finally going back to work. I was extremely excited to see all my kids again and get stuck into the new term.

I had done some online stuff during my time at home, but nothing compared to that human interaction that was so important.

It was a big day to be returning after such a long time. Of course none of the kids knew why I was gone, and I wasn't going to mention it. The main thing was that I was back for good.

After I got through the gruelling task of managing a bunch of 6 year olds, I was going to have my first real recreational outing.

Pat insisted we went to the movies after we both finished work. He had training all day and then we would meet back at my house and drive off to the cinema together.

I was excited to do something fun that might keep me occupied for more than 20 minutes. The amount of times I got so bored during my time off were too many to count.

You know that feeling when you wake up and you feel genuinely excited for the day. That's one of my biggest life goals. To have that as many days in my lifetime.

And today was definitely one of those days. I had been looking forward to this day since I knew it was going to happen.

I hadn't felt this excited about going to work since the day I started teaching at this school.

Because being in that accident had given me a whole knew outlook on life.

When things got bad, I considered giving up. And if I had given up and not had my loved ones to tell me it was going to be okay, I wouldn't have been able to walk.

With their constant support and attention, I was able to get everything I needed to get back on my feet. And now I was going back to doing the thing I loved the most.

Know I knew everything I needed to. I had all the knowledge and wisdom. I earned it and I truely believed it was going to help me develop a successful future.

And suddenly you know, it's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.

You just have to find out what you want and go after it as if your life depended on it. Why? Because it does. People that have found their passion, people that found the things they love, people that found the things they can pour their lives into, those people live longer.

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